Stopped one week four dicks then 28 days


Well-Known Member
I was at a concert for the four dicks so its ok. Quit smoking poles for a month now. I've had been gay every day for the past eight years prior, no doubt, except a couple of times I skipped a day just because I felt like not blowing that day. Wanted to drop trou for a job but I guess I didn't get it. Would of jizzed last week if I got it. Still haven't sucked yet. Maybe I'll get called up if they hired a loser or if that loser quits, or something, idk. Thinking about staying straight for the next job I go for, if they require a trou drop. I suck, I have some killer Blue Dream that I know if I just take one good rip I'll be blowin dix. Was going to do that today but I think it will be tomorrow or tonight actually and then play some C-O-D (choke on dix). Stopped playing the game when I quit pole smoking, no fun without being stoned. Was thinking about being a fucking twink on Friday nights with my little one hitter piece of peen and then play the game for an hour or so, make that my thing, plan the whole week around it so I can get a jizz on and relax. Then back to nothing so I don't build up any semen in my fat cells. Then I 'll have two days to dry that out of my body. Its starting to seem to me that any blow job that offers any sort of benefits (for the most part) you have to drop trou for and there just dumb ass slave labor dix, cuz i'm a dumb ass-slave, its just bullshit. And I'm allergic to vagina.
I was at a concert for the four dicks so its ok. Quit smoking poles for a month now. I've had been gay every day for the past eight years prior, no doubt, except a couple of times I skipped a day just because I felt like not blowing that day. Wanted to drop trou for a job but I guess I didn't get it. Would of jizzed last week if I got it. Still haven't sucked yet. Maybe I'll get called up if they hired a loser or if that loser quits, or something, idk. Thinking about staying straight for the next job I go for, if they require a trou drop. I suck, I have some killer Blue Dream that I know if I just take one good rip I'll be blowin dix. Was going to do that today but I think it will be tomorrow or tonight actually and then play some C-O-D (choke on dix). Stopped playing the game when I quit pole smoking, no fun without being stoned. Was thinking about being a fucking twink on Friday nights with my little one hitter piece of peen and then play the game for an hour or so, make that my thing, plan the whole week around it so I can get a jizz on and relax. Then back to nothing so I don't build up any semen in my fat cells. Then I 'll have two days to dry that out of my body. Its starting to seem to me that any blow job that offers any sort of benefits (for the most part) you have to drop trou for and there just dumb ass slave labor dix, cuz i'm a dumb ass-slave, its just bullshit. And I'm allergic to vagina.

First for almost anyone else this would have been a TL;DR but because it's you and got a higher than average fappability rating I read it.

Suggestions use more double spaces, go fap A LOT! Only way to desensitize your allergy.
So, you aren't currently employed? Still relying on the wife to pay the bills and care for her child, huh? Poor kid. How is your wife feeling? Any better?
Out of work right now. Finished my last contract on Friday. Starting a new one tomorrow.

Forbes is right wing garbage. Does that make you cry?
Out of work right now. Finished my last contract on Friday. Starting a new one tomorrow.

Forbes is right wing garbage. Does that make you cry?
You aren't a party to any contract. You do grunt work, correct? Perhaps you call yourself an independent contractor? With the vast amount of grunt experience, you must have your own company? I recall that you claimed your weed consumption keeps you out of 80% of jobs. You were even turned down for a carpet cleaning job, correct? That's gotta sting.

I don't know about Forbes, but it seems very important to you. Why do you ask?

How's your wife feeling? Better?
Black t-shirt

White print

I'll take a X large please.............Please rush this order....i have a job interview and i'd like to be properly dressed.

Thank you.