stopped growing!!! wtf,.,,.help


got a good size grow goin on but one problem.... they stopped vegging.theyre all in 7 gallon pots with super soil, roots for top half.they all got about 3 feet tall and they havent grown anymore.theyre still nice an green and they get water so whats the deal...any advice would be much apprietiated...thanks in advance...:weed:


Active Member
hows the drainage?..... also idk if this helps... but i found a fricken ants nest in a pot before all up in my roots.( i figured that was stunting the growth, so repotted with new medium. got my plant back growing but still didnt produce much

the story....
someone??? left a melting twix on the bar in my backyard, and i had left the plant up on the bar from checking it out the night before. next morning, ants all over the bar, traced the source right to the roots. little fuckers!