Stop vibratioins from exhaust fan


at the moment i have cut a 4" hole in top of my grow space and had my 4" fan screwed inside my box at the top blowing air out the hole, it vibrated a lot so i folded cut some old jeans up and placed this between the fan and the box but it still vibrates a lot!

any ideas on how to stop most of the vibrations ??

at the moment i have cut a 4" hole in top of my grow space and had my 4" fan screwed inside my box at the top blowing air out the hole, it vibrated a lot so i folded cut some old jeans up and placed this between the fan and the box but it still vibrates a lot!

any ideas on how to stop most of the vibrations ??

a pic would help...but i put a 1/2 inch piece of rubber in between my fan and the 2x4 its mounted to and it makes no noise at all


Well-Known Member
Instead of mounting it to the box try hanging it from bungee cords, that will help a whole lot with the vibrations


i cant get a pic at the mo because im not growing at my place, im gunna try and get a bit of rubber 1st and if that doesnt work then i may hang the fan like some 1 stated above


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can get the big pieces of rubber that they put under the feet of washer and dryers to dampen the sound. They sell them at most home improvement stores


Well-Known Member
i used some rubber i bought from wal mart., the stuff that comes in the big mats for putting under weight equipment. i had some left over after i lined my weight room with it. it works good for lining the floor of my grow room too. didnt want to pull up the carpeting so i lined with rubber and wrapped the rubber in mylar so i have a reflective floor. helps light the bottom of the plants and keeps the pots warm at the same time.