stop taking drug tests!


Well-Known Member
When I looked into it I read that after the initial false positive the sample can be sent away and tested, and they can tell the difference between a Protonix false positive and a positive THC result.

Protonix doesn't actually contain THC, it contains panoprazole, which can cause a false positive for THC.

So I'm guessing the way it happens is you tell them you're taking Protonix, and then they test to find it in your system. If they don't find Protonix, but they find THC, they know you're just a pot head (or at least that the positive test had nothing to do with Protonix)
They sent it off for a real test. He spent thanksgiving in jail. I wouldnt recomend doing this if your PO is an asshole.
Called it


Well-Known Member
You could probably get away with it if you have a dumb/cool P.O.
Im gonna run it by mine and tell her I just got it prescribed and the doctor said it might show up as THC in a UA.But then she might ask to see the script then I'll be fucked lol I can never win.....but I might try and get it prescribed I've been dieing to smoke for a while now.......just reread the op it said its for acid reflex and I think I got that im getting this the only thing standing in my way to the ganja is no insurance.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read it's not that they can tell the difference in THC (most "synthetics" are just extracts anyways) but they can go back and test for cannabinoids that are not in the pills. Also I have read that the test they would need is a spectrometer and it costs a lot of money to run, like a couple of thousand dollars. But that is mostly Internet rumor. I have looked a lot cause I have a med card and a scrip for marinol (THC pills for cancer and AIDS). Every job drug tests out here and it's a right to work state. So even with both the card and the scrip if I fail a drug test I don't have to be hired or can get let go with no reason.
Anyone with more info I would love to hear it..Peace JR

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
its nice to see see some funny post. yea its my dog. i just seen a post where someones wife drank some superthrive by mistake
Reminds me, I had a bag of Catfish stink bait laying around, and my grandma was over, she thought it was some type of joke product, and she took it out and put a piece in her mouth [I don't know how she didn't smell it] I got an earful when I got back home, but it was hard as hell to not laugh... RIP G-ma.