STOP...STOP...STOP...Buying or supporting LP's ( Legal Producers )


Well-Known Member
I might be crazy but I don't think there are going to be any new rules surrounding medical marijuana coming out in August. Parliament is not sitting until the middle of September and any changes would have to have three readings in the house to pass.
Changes to the MMPR do not require any readings in the House. It's not legislation.


Well-Known Member has been stated, the MMJ Reg's are not legislation and don't go thru Parliment. Changes in the MMJ Reg's will be announced in the Canada Gazette...but I'm sure media will get leaks before the Aug deadline. Like you said, I'm sure it's all ready to go now. Rec MJ is legislation and will have to go thru Parliament. I agree the first step will be removing MJ from CDSA.
There's no use talking to a wall. He quite clearly doesn't understand basic rules of government.


Well-Known Member
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How do we know this? Removing cannabis from the CDSA is a very real possibility and may even be legally necessary in order to implement recreational use. As for the new medical system, everything I'm reading speculates the two systems will be merged giving patients a choice to grow, have someone else grow or buy LP weed. What else would meet the criteria of the court decision? What we need to be concerned about, imo, is new rules around inspections or equipment that the average patient can't afford. I'm sure any further 'barriers to access' will be met with an immediate court challenge.
I'm really curious about August deadline, given that the house is in recess from this Tuesday until September 19. Nothing much gets accomplished during the summer...chances are the new system has already been determined, or they will miss the deadline. If they miss the deadline, would everything revert back to the mmar, or would medical just be unregulated for a time? Not sure how that would work....but it would be interesting to find out...

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Well-Known Member
Ya, there's no sense trying to talk to me...I just don't get anything. I don't have the years or life experience that Dizzy does, obviously. I'm a 53 year old kid...Dizzy has several decades on me according to her.
We sure are SO lucky to have Dizzy around to add such insightful comment to the conversation. I'm surprised she's not paid for her expertise in all matters cannabis...or politics...she is clearly more informed than any of us. So, the floor's yours, Dizzy....go ahead and amaze us with your brilliance!