Stop mixing peat and coco


Well-Known Member
Here is a current experiment do to this very topic.
White widow autos. Same start. Left is forum based soil mix. Right is coco/peat and amendments. 21 days from germ. A new grower 1000 miles away testing my mix. I believe the results and mine. View attachment 4765278
shouldn't a controlled experiment use clones? Not seeds that can be vastly different in alot of ways?
but ya def one on right looks better
and what's forum mix?


Well-Known Member
Most issues new growers have is not from using peat, coco, or peat + coco. It's from screwing around too much instead of leaving their plants alone. Overfeeding, unbalanced feeding, too many products, chasing runoff pH and ppm, flushing the crap out of their plants, etc... They end up like a dog chasing its tail as their plants get worse from doing too much.


Well-Known Member
QUOTE="MICHI-CAN, post: 15990757, member: 1035783"]
Here is a current experiment do to this very topic.
White widow autos. Same start. Left is forum based soil mix. Right is coco/peat and amendments. 21 days from germ. A new grower 1000 miles away testing my mix. I believe the results and mine.
Apologies for the overexposed photo but nobody told me to prepare for a pissing contest tonight.

Peat + Coco + Secret Sauce. Works for me.

Screenshot from 2020-12-11 01-32-37.png


Well-Known Member
QUOTE="MICHI-CAN, post: 15990757, member: 1035783"]
Here is a current experiment do to this very topic.
White widow autos. Same start. Left is forum based soil mix. Right is coco/peat and amendments. 21 days from germ. A new grower 1000 miles away testing my mix. I believe the results and mine.
Apologies for the overexposed photo but nobody told me to prepare for a pissing contest tonight.

Peat + Coco + Secret Sauce. Works for me.

View attachment 4765305
Me either. Better pissed off than on I guess.



Well-Known Member
Here is a current experiment do to this very topic.
White widow autos. Same start. Left is forum based soil mix. Right is coco/peat and amendments. 21 days from germ. A new grower 1000 miles away testing my mix. I believe the results and mine.

Apologies for the overexposed photo but nobody told me to prepare for a pissing contest tonight.

Peat + Coco + Secret Sauce. Works for me.

View attachment 4765305
Peat and coco don't work without da sauce