Stop Leaving Your Tips on Credit Cards


Well-Known Member
I was a barista for years and lived off my tips. What he says is true of all the places I've ever worked. I never received a dime off any tips placed on the card. The owners always entered the CC tips much later after the other employees had left, needless to say they kept it all and none of it was ever divided up between servers/staff.

I assume this has to be different in a restaurant where the tips are a bit higher and volumes of people lower. $1-3 dollar tips is one thing but scamming servers from the bigger tips after they've spent an hour catering to someone is a bit different.


Well-Known Member
I dated a girl that was a waitress at a strip club. Her Friday/Saturday night shifts she would take home at least 4 bones in tips for both nights....That was a very hot time in canucks life....She liked to send me her favorite stripper to do a table dance or lap dance for me.....AWWWW shit I love my wife.


Well-Known Member
I tip pretty good when I eat out. $5 on a 20 dollar check is about right for me.

If you don't have enough money to pay the check and leave a decent tip, then go to a fast food restaruant or a grocery store deli instead.


Well-Known Member
to the aussie:

what if you get a 12 top(12 people), with 4 being kids, and needing their food up first, making a mess of your section.... should I get tip???

i worked the restaurant scene and i think it is perfectly fair that the tip is tied to the amount on the ticket.

the more people there are, the more on the tab, the larger the tip.... in reality the amount on the tab usually represents how hard you worked... and that's why you tip more based on how much is on the tab...

the days you made shit were the days you sat around....


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has never worked in a restaurant has no idea how brutal the job can get when the restaurant is at its busiest.

Its not uncommon to have a server break down in tears on a Friday or Saturday night. Lol.