STOP! Before posting photos read me!


Active Member
Hidden Data in JPEG Files

Stay safe...dont need to have jonny law tracking you down by your S/N!

some of you may already know about this but not all of you I bet!

EDIT: Some Digital metatags will not have S/N's. Just be informed that your .Jpg photos can give you up, so play it safe and clean your .jpeg files if you want. I have always done so.

The proof is out there and it has burned others.
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Well-Known Member
dont scaremonger, although jpgs do hold some information they do not hold

1. who took the photo
2. where it was taken

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
dont scaremonger, although jpgs do hold some information they do not hold

1. who took the photo
2. where it was taken

I'll second ^^^

To add to it... I've looked at the metadata in my jpegs and while it does say the MAKE/MODEL of camera used... it does not have the serial number of my camera in the data.


Active Member
Some do. scaremonger...not so much. People can freak if they want, not going to sugar coat it for you. Your S/N can be tracked to you if you filled out reg or warranty info.

So take it with a grain of salt or not.

Being informed is the best.

Granted "WHO" took the photo is up to evidence, and it is all in the you will read, the editing of a photo to take out unwanted info like a face or a address in the photo will remain in a thumbnail in the file you think your getting rid of the info you dont want but it is still there....just like what happened to KAT.

Just saying you can burn yourself in a photo if your not carefull and this is just one step to clean up after yourself. Is this so wrong?
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