Stoney McFried's diary of a level two plant slayer(a grow journal)

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Baby steps.....Next time, I'm gonna try to figure out ventilation for my grow room so I can safely use my 400 watter.I only grew one this time because I didn't know how much a 150 watt hps would grow, and I didn't wanna do all that damn math to figure it out for sure.
looking good time 2 plants..........:)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The leaves are dying as nutrients are's kinda like autumn....even the bottom buds that don't get as much light are frosty.And here are a couple of crappy shots of the beautiful sunset from my porch.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Okay...well, I nuted her for the last time last night, just to help her through the extended flowering time.I checked her today, unbelievably, she seems to have put on weight overnight.I don't wanna jinx myself, but I think the biggest cola is gonna give me an eighth when dried.


New Member
Okay...well, I nuted her for the last time last night, just to help her through the extended flowering time.I checked her today, unbelievably, she seems to have put on weight overnight.I don't wanna jinx myself, but I think the biggest cola is gonna give me an eighth when dried.
you mean it will give US an must share....:joint::shock:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
OK...first couple of shots are what I would call the 'main" cola.I tried to show where it stops...I'd say the bud growth is six or eight inches down the stem, about as fat as a pop can, maybe a little less.The rest are frost shots and a pic of three of the colas...I have five. The spice scent hit me in the face when I opened the door.So awesome.



New Member
OK...first couple of shots are what I would call the 'main" cola.I tried to show where it stops...I'd say the bud growth is six or eight inches down the stem, about as fat as a pop can, maybe a little less.The rest are frost shots and a pic of three of the colas...I have five. The spice scent hit me in the face when I opened the door.So awesome.
it looks like it still has a way to go....what do you think 4 more weeks?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've started checking my trichomes,not because I thought she was anywhere near ready, just because they're neat to look at.I have to find where I put the aaa batteries, because I think the ones in my scope are low.The light seems dim.But the trichs are clear to cloudy, and it looks like even more are forming.


Well-Known Member
they look sooo good!!! i cant wait to start so excited! your ladies are amazing! amazingly amazing!! lol :D

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you.
they look sooo good!!! i cant wait to start so excited! your ladies are amazing! amazingly amazing!! lol :D
I added a uvb reptile light tonight...just waiting on the timer I have it on to shut it down at midnight.If That works, I know I set it right(I lost the instructions).
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