Stoney McFried's diary of a level two plant slayer(a grow journal)

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New Member
Oh hey, My soil is expert gardener all purpose soil...yes, I know it's cheap, but the old man is REALLY fucking tired of spending all this money on my grow, so I don't ask for shit, I just let him suggest it,cuz when he gets all pissy on me, I want to murder him.
well if you do just don't get caught....soil is soil...I bought some of that at walmart once...I think it's fine.


Well-Known Member
It was on sale, hell, why not,lol.I just can't drop 25 bucks on a little bag of DIRT.
Stoney, :hug::hug: up till this grow now all my past 6+ grows have cost less than $25.00 for everything.....My usual list for 3 X 6 foot plants outside....
1 X 25L bag promix(perlite)... $5.95......................................................
1 X premium potting soil.... $6.00
20-20-20 nute (veg) $7.00 enough for two years..
" (flower) "
Mix soil & promix at 50%-50%.. and only use 5ml per gallon water of those nutes once a week... they will burn easy.. but they're cheaper than the nutes I'm using now $18 - -35 liter, and grow well.. my av was with cheap ass nutes...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Cool.Thanks, twisty.
Stoney, :hug::hug: up till this grow now all my past 6+ grows have cost less than $25.00 for everything.....My usual list for 3 X 6 foot plants outside....
1 X 25L bag promix(perlite)... $5.95......................................................
1 X premium potting soil.... $6.00
20-20-20 nute (veg) $7.00 enough for two years..
" (flower) "
Mix soil & promix at 50%-50%.. and only use 5ml per gallon water of those nutes once a week... they will burn easy.. but they're cheaper than the nutes I'm using now $18 - -35 liter, and grow well.. my av was with cheap ass nutes...
I'll have pics tomorrow for sure.The spread seems to have stopped, but she doesn't seem to be growing and I think I'm gonna lose the bottom leaves.I think it might have been the soil I started them in, since the other two died off right away...I'd had it since last year,but it was cacti didn't do too well in it, either, but I figured that was because cacti are hard to grow.Told ya I was a level two plant slayer.:sad:


Well-Known Member
Cool.Thanks, twisty.
I'll have pics tomorrow for sure.The spread seems to have stopped, but she doesn't seem to be growing and I think I'm gonna lose the bottom leaves.I think it might have been the soil I started them in, since the other two died off right away...I'd had it since last year,but it was cacti didn't do too well in it, either, but I figured that was because cacti are hard to grow.Told ya I was a level two plant slayer.:sad:
Sometimes shit just happens Stoney, I'm sure you'll figure a way out of your troubles :bigjoint: Keep your head up mate

KC :leaf:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks, kush.I haven't givern up, and I realize it may take time for it to heal.I'm getting a tds/ph meter today, on the advice of my friend tips.
Sometimes shit just happens Stoney, I'm sure you'll figure a way out of your troubles :bigjoint: Keep your head up mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You're doing great Stoney, looks to me like she's well on the road to recovery. :cool:

As an aside... You know sometimes even organic pre-mixes (like cactus mix) can be a little inconsistent in ph and nutritive value out of the bag, just because they are "manufactured" in such large quantities. I'm not suggesting this was your young lady's issue, but as seedlings need virtually no nutrients for the first few weeks, it's never a bad idea to flush and mix your soil fully before it ever sees a seed.

Maybe nothing to do with your situation, but a good opportunity to share a hard learned life lesson...

Hard learned, mostly 'cuz I'm a knucklehead. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You're doing great Stoney, looks to me like she's well on the road to recovery. :cool:

As an aside... You know sometimes even organic pre-mixes (like cactus mix) can be a little inconsistent in ph and nutritive value out of the bag, just because they are "manufactured" in such large quantities. I'm not suggesting this was your young lady's issue, but as seedlings need virtually no nutrients for the first few weeks, it's never a bad idea to flush and mix your soil fully before it ever sees a seed.

Maybe nothing to do with your situation, but a good opportunity to share a hard learned life lesson...

Hard learned, mostly 'cuz I'm a knucklehead. ;-)
Good advice EKIMRI :blsmoke:. Power to organics :weed:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Why thank you sir, I thought it would serve some purpose for the die-hard organic guys and growers with an appreciation for resourcefulness. I hope people see it, it's a great system to incorporate into your grows, fantastic results, and it gives you a solid grasp on nature :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Workin' the same compost pile for 30+ years, believe me when I say I'm on board with the power of organics KC...

Sorry Stoney, you know how sometimes... look a squirrel...


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, pics tomorrow...The bottom leaves are pretty bad.Got tds and ph meters on the way.I may pop down to the dry ice place and grab some dry ice to give her a boost of c02...might help.It very well could be the cactus mix...I disinfected my grow room,pots, etc,so I don't think it was anything already in the environment....
You're doing great Stoney, looks to me like she's well on the road to recovery. :cool:

As an aside... You know sometimes even organic pre-mixes (like cactus mix) can be a little inconsistent in ph and nutritive value out of the bag, just because they are "manufactured" in such large quantities. I'm not suggesting this was your young lady's issue, but as seedlings need virtually no nutrients for the first few weeks, it's never a bad idea to flush and mix your soil fully before it ever sees a seed.

Maybe nothing to do with your situation, but a good opportunity to share a hard learned life lesson...

Hard learned, mostly 'cuz I'm a knucklehead. ;-)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member she is.As you can see, the new growth is unaffected, but the older growth has grayish spots and a brittle texture...I treated her with a weak tea tree oil solution when I changed the light cycle, and allowed her to sit in the dark while the fan dried her off so the light wouldn't burn her.I also added molasses the last time I watered...I haven't watered since because the soil is not dry enough yet.Should I trim away the affected parts?Not the entire leaves, but just the parts with the spots?


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, it's only a 150 hps. I just ran and's about 2 and 3/4 hand lengths away from the top.I haven't watered it since the last time.No, I don't spray or mist my leaves.
how far away are the lights? it looks wet. I get spots like that sometimes, my leaves do anyway.
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