Stones Journal Round 2!!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants man...all that from just some cfls...

Umm, why did you flower after only 2 weeks? those plants couldve gotten huge after like 4-6 wks in veg, and then flower...Increase your yield easily...
Well mainly because of height restrictions, plus 6 ounces is plenty for me, thats if I yield around what I got last grow. I dont plan on getting rid of any of this at all.
Here is the newest video. All my videos are unlisted so the only way to get to them is by reading my journal. All the links to all my videos are in my journals. Give it some time to process...enjoy!!
Just checked out the vid.The super skunk looks like your winner.Everything looks good tho and those are alot of cfls.Why not use a hid.You probably answered that already but i didnt catch it.That looks like way over 400 watts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Its the start of week 4 so they still have alot of time left. I make videos about every 2 weeks....