• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

Straight up G

New Member
im a hard core active democrate i own 5 guns noone will ever take my guns. now i dnt see any reason for anyone to own an assault riffle and i belive there should be restrictions in highly populated area's in the cities but i love my guns and noone is evan trying to take em away. guns gays and baby killers thats all they got on dems, i like my guns so do millions of other dems, i dnt care about gays gettn married dnt bother me shouldnt bother you, i dnt kill babies i am pro choice. good day
Agreed 100%


Well-Known Member
I need nukes and anthrax to protect my rights... why can you have your weapons but I can't have mine?


Well-Known Member
There is no HUGE difference if my failing to participate does not cause another harm is there? The ONLY difference then would be a group of people calling themselves government wouldn't get to own my behavior or unjustly punish me for believing I own myself.

Laws are not inherently just or moral and quite often are flat out wrong. For instance slavery was once legal, but I would never have told a slave, "just be a good slave and some day this will be illegal and you can be free" or "hey slave work on changing the law" .

Simply offering "it's the law" as a justification for a stupid law is a circular argument. Obviously murder and harming people should have consequences. Should there be consequences to people that break stupid laws, but harm nobody?

Do you follow all stupid laws? That would be endorsing stupid behavior wouldn't it?
I'm not saying that all laws are just, and there are a number of laws I don't agree with. Regardless of whether I agree with them or not, I realize that if I break those laws I am subject to punishment for my "crimes".

I guess it depends on your definition of "harm". NoDrama just gave a pretty good example of what happens when there is very little or no regulatory control over a particular group of individuals. (BTW NoDrama, they "sat on their hands and did nothing" over at the SEC because there has been an increasing number of DEregulatory measures imposed upon the financial sector over the past decade or two. They WERE doing their job by NOT regulating certain areas, because that's what they were told to do). I say you are causing harm to everyone when you don't "participate" in the nonvoluntary action of paying taxes.

By not paying taxes, you are ADDING to the financial burdens of everyone who does. If there isn't enough tax revenue coming in to pay for the things we use, what happens? Other people have to pay more, don't they? Who do you think pays more in taxes, businesses or individuals? If you guessed businesses, you're right. What happens when extra taxes are imposed on businesses? If you said, small businesses suffer the most and lots of people lose their jobs, you're right again! What happens when lots of people are unemployed? Demand for government services goes UP. If people aren't paying taxes, where does the money come from to pay for these services? What's that? You say you want to get rid of these services? And there's no HARM in that?

Do you see where I'm going with this?

We seem to have a fundamental disagreement between us over the concept of "liberty". "Every man for himself" is not a system of government, it's a declaration of a desire for non-government. You seem to think you'd have more "liberty" if there were no government, but I think there's empirical evidence to suggest otherwise. Without our government, there is no "liberty". Not for you, not for me, not for any of us. There was a time, not so long ago, when wars were fought on American soil. Do you remember what they were fighting for? Independence, right? Do you really want to go back to the days when every militarized nation with enough strength was camped out on what is now US soil hoping to claim America for themselves?


Well-Known Member
Idiot showing up at a healthcare rally with a gun? If you mean Portsmouth NH..He's not an idiot, I know him, he's a pretty smart guy. He believes in liberty, for everybody. I might not have done what he did, but that doesn't make him stupid.

The irony is this person with a gun was protesting peacefully. He doesn't want to particpate in government administered healthcare. He doesn't believe he or you for that matter, should be forced to participate.

What will happen if he doesn't pay the fine for nonparticipation and excercising free will ? Your beloved GOVERNMENT MEN WITH GUNS will show up at his house to MAKE him pay or suffer consequences....ironic huh?

He's is advocating for freedom and choice and has a gun to protect those rights. Your boys have guns to TAKE those rights away.

That's funny. The guy with the gun has no idea what's going on, and neither do you.

Who is trying to FORCE anyone to participate in "government run health care"? How old is this dude? Does he plan on participating in Medicare, I wonder?

Yes, the senate finance bill included an individual mandate to buy health insurance - but there is a CHOICE between the "public option" and private insurance. If he wants to CHOOSE private insurance, he is free to do so. If he can't afford either, he can get an exemption from the mandate meaning he would NOT be required to purchase any health insurance.

It's still up in the air as to whether or not the final bill will include a mandate of any kind, and could possibly include a provision allowing individual states to OPT OUT of the entire program if they so CHOOSE.


Well-Known Member
I'm a stoner, and a grower... I'm a peaceful hippie

but if you try to fuck with me - I always got my 9... always

i voted for Obama... but he's an idiot about guns ... (unless he's trying to stimulate the economy by threatening to take them away... gun sales are ridiculous, close to double average). IMO his view of guns is not bad enough to lose my vote... i think his gun stance just reflects how badly he wants peace... just misdirected.

i dont know who said it but "if you outlaw all the guns, only the outlaws have guns"...
still waiting for an answer! wait whats that he didn't threatn to take your guns hmmmmmm. this is one of those lies that keeps on goin democrates dnt want to take your guns a lot of them own guns themselves but when you hear democrate you automatically think oh noo they are gonna take my guns,,, true story i was sittn at a local diner when oboma was first elected and overheard the man in the booth behind me telling his son "that obama is gonna take all our guns and put us to work in the cotton fields to get back at us, us being whitey. now this guy was totally serious its really sickening that ppl will teach there children such hate and that they themselves believe it as true, i find that most ppl draw their own conclusions and than spread that missinformation as truth. sad sad world. srry kinda got off topic there

ummm when did Obama say he was going to take your gun ?????


an armed society is a polite society

if every sane person had a gun in their car at all times, carjackings would plummet

if every home owner had a gun, with a sign stating they did, burglary would plummit

if you could walk down the street with your gun on your hip, muggings, rapes, and robberies would also fall like obamas approval rating

of course, in the first few days of these laws (if they actually happened)

there would be a lot of shootings as all of the morons and idiots weeded eachother out


Well-Known Member
Am I free to tell them to pack sand?
I have insurance, but what if I don't want it?
They going to force the Amish to buy it?
The Amish don't believe in insurance.
You gonna fine them?
you gonna kick in their doors?
You gonna put them in jail?
If not why do they get special privledges?

Government mandates don't work
In states that mandate auto insurance 15% don't have it.
People that don't have H.I. probably can't afford it.
So we are going to force them to choose between feeding their kids
and buying insurance or going on the government dole.

I know its hard to break the habits of a lifetime.
Breaking the conditioning given you in school.
But governments job is just this:
Protect the people from theft, fraud and violence.
Thats it.

But when the government engages in fraud what are we to do?
When the government becomes the enforcement arm of the insurance companies and banks.
What do we do?

So I reject the initiation of violence
except in the defence of peaceful people of this country.


Well-Known Member
im a hard core active democrate i own 5 guns noone will ever take my guns. now i dnt see any reason for anyone to own an assault riffle and i belive there should be restrictions in highly populated area's in the cities but i love my guns and noone is evan trying to take em away. guns gays and baby killers thats all they got on dems, i like my guns so do millions of other dems, i dnt care about gays gettn married dnt bother me shouldnt bother you, i dnt kill babies i am pro choice. good day
You own 5 guns and don't see the logic in having an assault Rifle? Umm assault rifles are easier to handle , can have a higher rate of fire and are purpose made for shooting government agents and black booted thugs dead! The greatest reason for owning a firearm is to protect oneself from government tyranny!! I like to poke holes in paper targets and in 2 weeks I'm gonna go poke one in a doe eyed leaf eatin' deer. Then Im going to disembowel the corpse, throw it on the hood of my truck and drive through town hollerin' out the window like the rednecks do. After that I will hang it in my Garage and go to town on it with a saw and knife. Some of it I will take to a processor to have them make sausage and jerky and the rest will be Venison steaks for the deep freeze. So many uses for a gun, why would anyone want to get rid of them?


Well-Known Member
Dude that thing Rocks!!! Nice! You got alot of money into that thing, Looks like a H&K G3 you got there. Whats it weigh? My LR308 shoots about the same (Albeit a bit more powerful) cartridge .308 win and with that big ass .92" barrel weighs a hefty 13.5 pounds with 20 rounds ready to rock with scope and Bipod.


Well-Known Member
still waiting for an answer! wait whats that he didn't threatn to take your guns hmmmmmm. this is one of those lies that keeps on goin democrates dnt want to take your guns a lot of them own guns themselves but when you hear democrate you automatically think oh noo they are gonna take my guns,,, true story i was sittn at a local diner when oboma was first elected and overheard the man in the booth behind me telling his son "that obama is gonna take all our guns and put us to work in the cotton fields to get back at us, us being whitey. now this guy was totally serious its really sickening that ppl will teach there children such hate and that they themselves believe it as true, i find that most ppl draw their own conclusions and than spread that missinformation as truth. sad sad world. srry kinda got off topic there
1st - i dont think Obama is going to come into my house and take away my guns... (that wouldnt go over well)...

but he is trying to ban assault weapons, any weapon that can hold more than 10 rounds, any weapon that takes a clip... all sorts of shit like that, there is a huge gun ban list, with all kinds of guns on it, that you will no longer be allowed to legally buy - thats what i meant by taking away...

he also thinks it possible to assign every bullet a unique serial number, so each shot can b traced to a shooter... this would link every ammo purchase you make you your SSN...

hopefully they never make it - but they are definitely his ideas, and coming up the first of 2010.

so there's my answer... you can fact check it

like i said, i voted for Obama... but his gun policy is a little off IMO.


Well-Known Member
1st - i dont think Obama is going to come into my house and take away my guns... (that wouldnt go over well)...

but he is trying to ban assault weapons, any weapon that can hold more than 10 rounds, any weapon that takes a clip... all sorts of shit like that, there is a huge gun ban list, with all kinds of guns on it, that you will no longer be allowed to legally buy - thats what i meant by taking away...

he also thinks it possible to assign every bullet a unique serial number, so each shot can b traced to a shooter... this would link every ammo purchase you make you your SSN...

hopefully they never make it - but they are definitely his ideas, and coming up the first of 2010.

so there's my answer... you can fact check it

like i said, i voted for Obama... but his gun policy is a little off IMO.
Ok guy ...please don't just say Obama doing this Obama doing that...please show the facts..any links to the topic pf which you speak.... is there a bill with such an issue...please ..info..links..facts...Don't just say you heard it from a friend who knows this guy that has a cousin that has a brother who heard that Obama was going to do this...


Well-Known Member
As far as being able to solve crimes by tracing the serial number of the bullet back to the purchaser. It proves NOTHING, anyone could have easily stolen that ammunition from the owner and then used it to frame the innocent, sounds like more trouble than its worth. We would have more innocent people locked up and on death row for crimes they didn't commit. Thankfully the proposed bill died off without ever going to committee.


Well-Known Member

ban list -> http://www.infowars.com/obamas-gun-ban-list-is-out/

ammo accountability act -> http://www.factcheck.org/2009/01/ammunition-accountability-act/ (my state is one of the 18 )

there you have it... i didnt just pull those facts out of my ass...

and i never said anything about being put to work picking cotton or some shit...

not sure why you tryin' to give me a hard time about this...
amunitions act sounds like a great plan. but it nowhere says its obamas plan in fact it says in the begining,

"Such a proposal is being pushed by a company that holds a patent on bullet-coding technology. But none of the 31 bills introduced last year ever made it out of committee"

"Ammunition Accountability Act" so far has shown few signs of life"

"The idea is being pushed mainly by a single company that holds a patent on bullet-coding technology, so far without much success"

ive done research on this i see president obama nowhere now i did see a list of representatives who were on the bill but not obama

your little article from alan korwin, yea where does he put a link to back up his info looks like hes view with no facts to back it up and again he says democrates not obama


Well-Known Member
The idea is being pushed mainly by a single company that holds a patent on bullet-coding technology, so far without much success

Like most regulations and laws that are put on the books solely for the purpose of making a privileged company richer and more secure in its business practices. Think if that were made law, all bullet manufacturers would have to stop producing their product, you would not be able to reload your own bullets anymore. Would this stop people from getting killed by bullets? Doubtful. The only thing this law would do is make that one special company very rich what with a monopoly and all. Of course they would license the technology and take a royalty for every bullet anyone else manufactures. Most laws in this country were created to take power and priveleg from the masses and give them to the select few. Those select few companies get favors by supporting fat cat politicians with huge campaign contributions and special treatment. The politicians are now addicted to the privilege and power that comes with the Office and will do nearly anything to keep the position.


Well-Known Member
As far as being able to solve crimes by tracing the serial number of the bullet back to the purchaser. It proves NOTHING, anyone could have easily stolen that ammunition from the owner and then used it to frame the innocent, sounds like more trouble than its worth. We would have more innocent people locked up and on death row for crimes they didn't commit. Thankfully the proposed bill died off without ever going to committee.
someone could steal your gun too. unless you plan to do somthing illeagal with your wepon this bill does not matter and like said it hasnt passed and has been up quite a few times and not by obama if you can find me obamas name on one of the bills than post the link but i been searchin and its just not their


I'm just glad I live in the UK where it's prctically impossible to hold a gun legally. The last two gun massacres we had were both commited by people who held guns legally. If someone has a gun here and gets shot by the police then... too bad, if you get caught with a gun you're looking at doing time... something most people in the UK happily buy into.