Stoners against Booze?


Well-Known Member
E, I like hard liqour too, but I always like to get shitfaced, And usually end up getting sick. If you know your limits, that stuff is great.


Well-Known Member
i love micro brewery beer, sake, wine, and somtimes liquor i love trying new things as well but but when it comes to getting messed up 6 drinks or so and a nice smoke session does it for me= faded. herb is awsome after a few drinks because you can get silly and not feel so bad the next morning


Well-Known Member
i love micro brewery beer, sake, wine, and somtimes liquor i love trying new things as well but but when it comes to getting messed up 6 drinks or so and a nice smoke session does it for me= faded. herb is awsome after a few drinks because you can get silly and not feel so bad the next morning

when you get half blasted off bud and half buzzed, you get double as fucked up from the both of them without any repercussions.

always a good call.


New Member
sake bombs are where it's at... We don't have a lot of good micro by me. When people want good stuff around here they just get 312, or Fat Tire.


Well-Known Member
I personally rarely drink anymore (when I occasionally do ima vodka chick).. I follow that stoner logic of anything unnatural is prolly bad for you in some way or anyother.. I haven't taken any type of meds in almost two years.. also my logic is this.. why am I going to drink if I can smoke? I won't have to pee every 5 mins. I won't have to worry about getting sick and throwing up at some point. And I don't have to worry about every accidentally gettin alcohol poisoning.. marijuana is just the much safer choice.. anywas.. thats my two cents.

Most of the people I know are the same way... <shrugs> everyones different..


Well-Known Member
i dont drink but i dont hate on booze i dont care if other people do it but i dont particulary like it i will drink some good ole homebrew at festivals though my favorite is the blueberry flavored


Well-Known Member
ima smoker b4 a drinker but i drink more than drinkers do... but shit u kno what i tell ppl

"i dont drink bud... i smoke it.. haha" but forreal smoke some and then drink some ull be feelin right.

but i do know plenty of ppl who smoke that hate on drinkin.


Well-Known Member
I smoke b4 i drink as well... but i do love drinking. I'm never out to get shitfaced(used to a couple years ago and it just wasnt fun.) but i love havin a nice buzz from beers and bein able to just enjoy smoking weed even more.

Also... i've found that smokin some weed the next morning after a hard night of drinking cures my hangover just fine. Maybe a little groggy but no shitty feeling.


Well-Known Member
Me and all my stoner friends in highschool would never drink all we did was smoke and really about any other drugs that we would run across. But now that I am in college I drink almost every weekend and maybe once during the week. Some people I know that are in a fraternity told me they do this thing called a strike out. Let me explain, You take a bong rip, take a shot, and then shotgun a beer, then blow the smoke out. I have yet to see this done but if some one could actually pull it off I would give them props. It sounds hard to do in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
one of the main reasons marijuana isnt legalized is because alot of people think the alcohol industry would suffer
this is bullshit obviously if marijuana was legalized alcohol sales would stay the same if not grow


Well-Known Member
Every pot head ive met always bitches about beer / spirits, "its the cause of this and that", but do the majority of stoners really hate booze or are they happy to enjoy both (and my friends are just strange).

Personaly, although i understand the negative effects of alcohol, I am quite happy to have a few pints, and for the most part, even prefer it over a splif.

What do you guys think?

James :peace:

I too drink. As the majority of the world does......even those fucking apes in literally apes. Anywho, I am against the idiots that like to get liqoured up and go driving. In our fucking neighborhoods, around our schools, and even sometimes just because their are so fucked up into our own houses. Why?! Why when you can't even spell your own name because you are so hammered, you take your keys and decide to go for a spin? Look just stay at whatever honky tonk or frat party you're at and pass out...sleep...whatever. Just don't drink and drive. Get fucked at home.