Stoner 'friends'


Well-Known Member
Recently I've started hanging out with people I would have never dreamed of.
Smoking brings people together, it's a fact, but it also brings the moochers.

Lately I've been buying the cheapest mids I can find, and buying a LOT of it.
I get seedless, but compressed mids for 38/68 (funny price, huh). I love the stuff, but now down to the real story.

I get 3-5 phone calls a day during my 'smoking hours.' I smoke every day now.
I love how there is always a few people that want to come over, get high, and mooch off of my stash all night. At first I let it happen, I liked more social interaction, but now it's dipping more into my wallet and it's starting to piss me off.

New rule at Therion's house. If you come over to smoke my shit, you're putting in a few bucks. No more of this free shit! It's now THE LAW!


Well-Known Member
I had that problem too. Best way to do it is to tell them you can't afford smoke. Start hiding it for a few days. If they still want to come over and hang out, maybe bring some of there weed...... Find out who your friends are.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well that sucks, but the precedence has been set. Nip it in the bud now. You should tell them things have changed and they will have to bring their own weed now but they can use your bong. ;-) bongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ya and if they really are your friend and you act like your out maybe if they dont have any either they will come over and find a way to get some! i know you know what i mean, real friends help find weed not just smoke all of your shit, lol. Spent many days when i was a young buck with a buddy of mine trying to get a hold of some sticky icky. But ya fuck the moochers for realz.


Well-Known Member
I had that problem too. Best way to do it is to tell them you can't afford smoke. Start hiding it for a few days. If they still want to come over and hang out, maybe bring some of there weed...... Find out who your friends are.
Amen sir. It's all about finding out who's really my friend. I don't want to 'buy' friendship with weed because that aint no real friendship.

My tokin buddy of 3 years is moving away in 2 weeks and I've gotta find someone to replace him (that sounds aweful I know.) Weeding through the moochers and bullshit is going to be a long process. I mean, there's special handshakes, inside jokes, and all sorts of ritualistic stoner bullshit that I have... and they will have to learn all of that or they wont' make the grade!

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Yeah, man. I know how it feels to be mooched upon. I also know how it feels to be freaking scammed.

I think a friend of mine cheated me out of a couple grams tonight. He took my money and went to his dealer because all my connections are out of town. Came back with an eighth for $60. Kinda freaking ridiculous. It's not like it was even high grade shit. I was looking for some g'damn quantity, man.

So, I'm under the nagging suspicion that this dude, a known moocher and scammer, conned me out of my cash and a fair bit of green. Standard local prices are $40 for a fourth, even for some dank. I think he took half my green and $20 cash.

Last goddamn time I smoke with this kid. Ever. Done.

The end.

Can we make this into a ranting thread?


Well-Known Member
there are always gonna be mooches - just tell them straight up its your turn too buy the pot - if they dont and leave fuck em - if they do enjoy


Well-Known Member
there are moochers and then there are people who cant buy their own at the time

let me put it like this, i always pay back the people who are good to me and this is a prime example.

a couple of years ago when i still lived with my parents before i turned 18 my best friend and coincidental pot smoking buddy/dealer got locked up and i was out of a way to get pot (unless i wanted to pay high for shit weed) and alchohol. i knew that the guy who lived upstairs was chill and smoked pot and drank and i figured id offer to pay him to buy me alchohol (money for the bottle and then some for his trouble). he remembered me from when i came around before with my old head and he bought me alchohol quite a few times and he never even charged me more than the bottles cost because he said he was going to go to the store anyway. me and this guy eventually started hanging out he was 7 years older than me at the time but it was cool with him so we ended up smoking together. i would bring over tree or give him money etc so it was always an even relationship. then i decided i wanted to move my weight up and i had quit my job in the previous month cause it was mcdonalds so i started with this new connect and i had bought a couple times before. well sure enough when i worked my way to a quarter pound the guy robbed me and left me flat broke and without a job.

My good friend is one of the most generous and non caring people i know who beleives in karma that it would all come back to him in some form someday continued to smoke me up for free almost every time i was over and i even told him hey man we dont have to smoke you know i dont have money but he said not to worry about it. This continued almost 5 months until i got a new job as a waitor and started pushing just an ounce at a time to smoke and save money to move out when i turned 18.

eventually the time came that he finished college and he moved back to his family's farm 30 minutes away and i coincidentally ended up turning 18 a month later and moving into his old apartment. i used money i had saved up from my job to set up my grow and when harvest time came around so did karma

I remembered my good friend who had been there in times of no money when i really just needed to relax so guess who i called. I told him that i needed his help with something the weekend after it was done drying ( i didnt tell him i was growing or had weed). When my friend arrived at his old and my new apartment i had my 18 inch bong a grinder and the finest ounce of snow white selective buds sitting on the table in front of the couch. I told him that i needed his help smoking it and that i remembered all the good stuff he did for me. We smoked till we couldnt anymore the whole day and eventually when it was time for him to go i sent him home with an ounce.

Now i knew that one ounce wasnt equal to everything he did for me so i called him and worked out an arangement with him. He now comes down every harvest right when the last is finished curing and we get blazed and cut down the plants and do the trimming and hanging then hang out relax and get stoned for the rest of the day and i let him choose an ounce of the best nuggets of any of my 3 strains and he gets to take that back home with him.

For all his past kindness i now give him a free ounce of the best chronic in the area every 3 weeks in return for coming over and getting stoned and trimming some plants.

Just remember man kindness comes back around in the long run, he had no reason to be as nice as he was to me but now he smokes for free as much as he wants and i dont plan on ever stopping this deal.


Well-Known Member
Yea some of my friends only like me for my bud. Thats when u create groupy friends. True friends bring there own weed. Groupy friends only want to smoke ur weed.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
well good for you man !
show em whos boss
in my "crew" all of us always pich money
times are hard, every little bit helps!


Well-Known Member
I won't do it.

You don't smoke with me from your stash the very next time we smoke or bring your own so we can have a mixed bag then you don't get shit from me.

Fuck em I'd rather smoke alone.

I have a very small group that I get stoned with.


Well-Known Member
I always share my weed...but only with a close friend and family. when i go to my bros house I take a dime each time so we can smoke, and vice versa.