stolen seedling any tips?

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Well-Known Member
people steal so that makes it ok for you to steal... I actually do other things between posts for work slick. I know work its crazy and sometimes distracting. Hopefully they have a work program in jail for you


Well-Known Member
u want help dude, go to ur aquarium store and buy some cichlid fish food(pellets) and put 5 of them in the soil near ur stem

ur plant will rage


Well-Known Member
This kids a fag.. Welfare having product of the state soon joining all the homies while he's dropping the soap. This fuck talks about moving on up to a good hood hahahahah broke fuck moved from one project to another hahahahahaha

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
ha you know what the funny thing about karma is? i dont believe in it >;) call me satan or wte... cuz idgaf Xp i lovee my haters ;) so keep hating lol
we'll see how karma works on this 1. =] if the plant turns out being male well then you guys could say i told you so. but i know no1s going to steal it =p
and if its female well then kool i guess =]
No hate here dude, just a big bag of "shity pity", & SHAME on you, but honestly, no hate........BB


Well-Known Member
Wow, you're all getting really worked up about this.

If you leave your plants lying around in front of your house, someone will nick them. Period. This guy's etiquette is way off coming here to laugh about it but wow. Half the people who've posted so far would've done the exact same thing and laughed about it with their buddies. Calm down.
bullshit:cuss:! you have no idea what your talking about! only little bitches like him steal plants(especially in the seedling stage). we are not thieves, its one of the biggest pot smokers unwritten rules that you just dont do stuff like that. stealing from a fellow grower is never ok. we have clones and seeds we grow from......we dont steal plants, its despicable. especially when you have good seeds just lying around not doing do you understand? no offense meant but dont assume you know us here :peace:. cuz you obviously think you know what we'd do.....but your wrong.


Well-Known Member
lol thanx 4 the feedback guys lol
damn the more neg. comments i get the more i wish i get to harvest this plant Xd
i bet then u guys will prob just hang urselves ^_^
keep commenting keep this thread going! XD


Well-Known Member
alright guys, i think its time we just all stop posting. he's enjoying it. dont ever answer any of his posts again and let everyone else know not to help him out at all. this guy isnt worth wasting anymore time on him.(any time at all is too much to spend on him actually, lol)


Well-Known Member
seriously cali go and get those pellets

i wouldnt advise anyone else to do this as the growth would be to large for anyone else to handle but he seems like a good level headed grower so hell be able to handle it


Well-Known Member
lol thanx 4 the feedback guys lol
damn the more neg. comments i get the more i wish i get to harvest this plant Xd
i bet then u guys will prob just hang urselves ^_^
keep commenting keep this thread going! XD
You'd think they would've realized they've fallen prey to a troll something like 15 or 16 pages ago heh

I don't think you really stole it either way.


Well-Known Member
heya so i moved recently to a better neighborhood you can say (lol) and i found some1 growing in their front yard! Xp well it barely had 1 set of real leaves and i guess people wouldnt recognize it... they were wrong ;) so now its mine ^_^
the plant is a container which measures 5in tall round container with a diameter of 5in as well =] the plant itself was 2in tall when i got it and now its been an approx 2 and a half weeks since i got it and is now almost 5in tall =] with 3sets of real leaves workn on its 4th with 3pairs of nodes of course
seeing how it is growing im thinkn its a indica because of its wide leaves. also if im not mistaken i think its chronic or cush for the reason is this is not a ghetto neighborhood n dont think theyd grow stress (like they did in my hometown lol) as well as stress plants are usually sativas right (for theyre high yeilds in them mexican farms lol )?
another thing i noticed is a couple roots have shown their tips at the drain holes which leaves me to assume they planted the seed pretty deep bout half ways down (2n1/2 in). also the plant is already starting to get growth from between its nodes =o
im working with 2 floro lights of 40w each and when i get the chance i add my other 20w floro n a 13w cfl... reason is mom.... lol so i try lockn myself up when moms home which is bout 5pm-7am
have encountered whiteflies and their eggs last 2days and i believe ive killed em all and removes their eggs from underneithe the leaves. so far plants lookn healthy =]
any tricks or tips to help me speed up the grow time or useful things i should know? =] thanx 4 the feed back =]
NOT COOL! Fancy steeling someones little baby and then posting it on here expecting people to help you.... not cool at all :cuss:

The Good Doctor

Active Member
WTF? You need to get your shit strait, if you get a chance take it back to the people who own it, replant it in the middle of the night or something.

Stealing herb is low and dirty!


cali. what you fail to realize is that we are not joking when your seriously warped sense of reality is beliving that we are. let me assure you...

1. you WILL go to jail if you continue to steal and get raped by scum as you think your solid but actually you are a little prick
2. none of us think you are cool
3. bet you are single aint ya?
4. still living with your mum yeh?
5. you probably whack of 15 times a day to pictures of your inbred sister
6. the geezer who you stole that plant from, if it was me, and i found out who you were, you wouldnt be breathing anything other than through a tube for a while so you could pretty much forget smoking!


Well-Known Member
so guess wut i just stole a almosted finished budding purple monster lookn plant from them same ppl! =o its like beautiful i had a frend help me carry the pot it was in Xp
HELP ME HARVEST IT thank u ^_^
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