stolen seedling any tips?

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Well-Known Member
p.s. ill keep u guys updated on the plants health X] and if its a female i shall celebrate by hittn the med shop n buying sum hash lol and b on here see ur reaction of u knowing i STOLE a plant n it turns out to b female lol i wonder how much u guys r going to hav to smoke to mellow out Xb
n of its a male oh well ill just plant this feminized lowryder ak47 seed i got in the same STOLEN pot lol
<3 luv ya guys ;p


Well-Known Member
cali your last post was very hard to understand. I got only that you are not old enough to hit the "med shop".

Brick Top

New Member
or useful things i should know?

One thing that might be very good for you to know about yourself is that you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
You stole someone else’s pot plant and then came here and bragged about it and acted as if you expected to be cheered and congratulated as a hero when all you managed to achieve was to inform everyone here you are a larcenous coxcomb.


Well-Known Member
you know what he will prob do next post a pic of him and the seedling to brag and continue to annoy...with a smile on his face.


Well-Known Member
your not growing, you stole a plant and dont know what to do with it so its dying. Your simply a thief who has a dying plant.


Well-Known Member
correction it is growing. hah its almost tyme 4 the lights to come back on ^_^
damn u kno wuts funny? the lights r stolen too XD yay 4 me! lmao


Well-Known Member
correction it is growing. hah its almost tyme 4 the lights to come back on ^_^
damn u kno wuts funny? the lights r stolen too XD yay 4 me! lmao
it hilarious that you think you're going to smoke anything off of this plant. aside from he fact that you are a worthless little theif. you obviously don't know anything about growing. you don't have proper lighting im sure, and whats the point of a dark cycle on a seedling that is that young if you have it indoors and you are trying to make it adjust from the transplant shock and grow healthily?

i have an intense personal hatred for thieves like you. My tip for you: eat shit. karma will turn this plant hermie despite the fact that you won't be able to yield anything with it.

and do you really have to type with all of those stupid emoticons? you type like a 13 year old girl texting her friends.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Hey quit bumbin this ass hole just don't post here anymore and stop him from posting on this website. Fuck this turd ! Any hackers out there who can find him!?
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