Stolen BUD


Active Member
My garage/backhouse just got broken into and they stole all my buds 3 weeks from harvest.

First grow down the drain.

Oh nooooooooooooo. Wow buddy. I'm so sorry. I would be friggin pissed to. I'd rather have people steal money from me than my weed. :|
yeah i hope i track them down too but it seems unlikely.

i just hate the fact that they were on my property in the first place.
Ok this is gonna sound freaky but I can almost taste your anger. The feeling is rippling through me cause I would be vivid and if I ever caught the Mo Fu*kers who did it......oohhhhh..:fire:
I feel for ya buddy. :-| If I could give you some of my weed I would do so.:cry:
yeah i hope i track them down too but it seems unlikely.

i just hate the fact that they were on my property in the first place.
a lesson in keeping your moth shut. this happens alot, people get robbed and they cant even call the cops
Yep just think back to who ever you showed your girls to and viola there is your thief.....either that or they told someone else and you got second hand ripped off.Anyhoo silence is golden man.
maybe you should get a big guard dog or something?? that would piss me off knowing someone had been sneaking around on my property also.
You should never drive straight home after you been to the Grow store. And im not talking about the gardening stores were your gonna see grama, I mean the ones that are runned by I bunch of stoners and everyone who goes in there is Obviously growing pot .lol :blsmoke:
they could have smelled it.
I know I have gone to peoples housees and known they had weed drying out.
I could smell it. :mrgreen:
Yep just think back to who ever you showed your girls to and viola there is your thief.....either that or they told someone else and you got second hand ripped off.Anyhoo silence is golden man.
That is catastrophic. Hope your thinking of moving your setup and laying low for a-while cause whoever did it will probably be back for more. And if they're real assholes they might even call the cops.
I had the same problem a few years back guerilla gardening, some punks kept nipping my buds right before i was about to harvest. I finally went out to the field with a note asking them to back off....i also left half an ounce on a chair....never had anymore problems.
init to abovei caught my mate in my garden today lol trying to take my babies i only told one mate and he was there doing it in front of me i can tell you now he wont be doing that again and i had to move em all to a new place lol
you gave them an ouce to back off???? man i cant even afford an 8th. id probably give you a bj for an ounce. (not gay j.k)
a lesson in keeping your moth shut. this happens alot, people get robbed and they cant even call the cops

Lol, well said. Keep your mouth shut. Even if you may deny saying anything, everyone knows you did just because of the situation at hand. A good lesson. Learn from mistakes and you'll be good.