Stock Markets Look Ever More Like Ponzi Schemes

I tend to agree with you. Hillary ran a shit campaign. It was lazy and ignored the three states that beat her. Tty never had any comments about something like that. His butthurt was focussed on how she beat Bernie rather than how she failed to beat Trump. At least that is my recollection two years later.

I know this, none of the Bernie retards lifted a finger to stop Trump once St. Bernard got beat. Shit, the most feckless of them could not even be bothered to vote for Bernie, right @schuylaar?
The story among Berntards now is that Hillary was a sheepdog to bring white Democrats over to Trump. Democrats colluded with Putin to get Trump elected.

Yikes. Any links? Don't get me wrong, it sounds par for the course.
I couldn't find it in a cursory search.

The line of thought by Berners is reflected in pads's earler statement:

You are the ones who propped up Hillary Clinton, who propped up Donald Trump using the pied piper strategy

So, as you said, it's not all about just what you want, it's about what's best for the common good

Stop being a bitch and take responsibility. Stop rehashing 2016 to scapegoat your own party failures. Learn from your mistakes and put your ego aside to vote for the best candidate in the future. The best candidate in 2020 against Trump is someone who opposes the political establishment. The Democratic party is going to inevitably support an establishment Democrat. You have a choice to make; support an establishment Democrat like Kamala Harris or Corey Booker and lose to Trump or support a populist progressive like Sanders or Warren and beat him. If what you claim is actually true, the choice is easy. The only reason anyone would support the establishment candidate over the populist progressive one in 2020 is if they're not actually a progressive.

In Berner mythology, anybody who supported Clinton got Trump elected. Anybody who doesn't jump on the Progressives(TM) bandwagon is supporting Trump. There is only one truth, Bernie is our savior. Hallelujah Amen.
The thread where @schuylaar mistakenly gave out personally identifiable information. The topic was why she was such a loser at work or something like that. It's the one where med grower showed up and shit all over it.
That fucking @MichiganMedGrower can ruin a thread with his victim playing. Rumor has it he has a serious drug problem. I would help him, but he has to take the first step.
I hear he robs people for his fix now, when asked he does not deny
That fucking @MichiganMedGrower can ruin a thread with his victim playing. Rumor has it he has a serious drug problem. I would help him, but he has to take the first step.
I hear he robs people for his fix now, when asked he does not deny

I don’t blame you for missing me so much you have to call me in. Any conversation you are in with your tiny fraternity is really boring.

Why do you need to lie about me?

That was rhetorical. Everyone knows it’s to hide your own shortcomings.
Yup, that's the one. It's where he was used as a tool.

Good work. You looked bad from my first response and have gone on to repeat your boring crap constantly on more threads.

Only a couple of people here even talk to you. Other than that you only talk to yourself. Many paragraphs at a time.

At least you find you interesting.
When are the mods going to ban this troll.? It's violating rules of the site. It isn't adding anything to any conversion other than troll behavior.
who are you talking about? There is a pretty long list of posters that fit your description. Quoting the offending post and calling on mods to ban them is particularly effective.