Stock Markets Look Ever More Like Ponzi Schemes

Neither of you knows anything about me, because you'd happily doxx me with it for 'points' in your puerile caricature of intelligent debate.

I have every right to protect my privacy from the immoral and dishonorable.

when i quoted you on windows you told me your family would be the ones who would pay for it
Buckwit is the one salivating for his cut of his wife's family's trust fund.
we already have a million+ in assets, stock, assorted revenue streams, and more.

yet i still go to work every day

we raised a 42 foot long, 6 inch wife, 15 inch tall beam today. the piece of lumber alone must have cost $1200 and weighed half a ton

what's your excuse?
Neither of you knows anything about me, because you'd happily doxx me with it for 'points' in your puerile caricature of intelligent debate.

I have every right to protect my privacy from the immoral and dishonorable.
sorry I had to go refresh my memory from another site. You do have kid and you once were married.
Smart lady to get away. Was being too cheap one of the problems ?
drawisland (8).png

the hard part is not actually getting it up into position

it is getting it around to the back of the house
Is that the best thing you can think of to do with your time?

I mean, seriously?

I must own your life!
My life is pretty easy right now. My wife and kids own my life though. Nothing I would not do for them.
How often do you get to see your kid (s). Did the wife take you in court. Is that the reason why you don't want to work.
Bitter divorces can be bitter
where is it going ?
about 8 feet up in the air

since i am the tallest on the crew. i had the honor of walking it up the ladder and onto the supports

one mistake by any one of the guys and the rest of us would be facing death or very serious injury
My life is pretty easy right now. My wife and kids own my life though. Nothing I would not do for them.
How often do you get to see your kid (s). Did the wife take you in court. Is that the reason why you don't want to work.
Bitter divorces can be bitter
This much I can tell you; without exception, everyone in court at our divorce and custody assignment proceedings was impressed at our selflessness and dedication to seeing our daughter get the very best possible opportunity for a head start in life.

My ex and I remain friends and communicate regularly.

My daughter has gone on to be student of the year at her elite school in Africa and was instantly accepted at an elite boarding academy in the South of England, where she'll be attending starting this fall.

Her goal is a scholarship at Oxford and no one who has met her doubts she'll reach it.

My parents imbued me with truly awful parenting instincts. I could not give her kind of opportunity she deserved here, in part because Colorado is 47th in the 50 States for school funding.

Instead of being cursed with middle class mediocrity, she's gotten the kind of education and home life children of royalty have told her straight to her face they're jealous of. It's true I don't see her much. It's worth it because it's not about me.

If there's one thing that's squared away in my life, it's my daughter's future. Whatever else happens is a bonus.

I'd do anything for her, including walk into a running turbofan. So you see, you and I do have something in common.