stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

I haven't lost anything because I haven't sold anything. This isn't the end of times. In five years it's just a blip. I'm not minimizing the effect it has on people who lose their jobs (and that could be me) or those who are just entering the work force but my 401k stays put until I need it. Agree that this is a disaster for people who rely on 401k for a portion of their living expenses. Just questioning selling all. A portion, sure.
I invest with infidelity. I'll move between bonds, stock etc. A week ago I moved to around 5% stocks. The rest in bonds etc. That's the nice thing about fidelity. Then I'll move back after the storm. Who knows when. My concern is the amount we are borrowing as a nation.
From what they say, everybody who posts here are millionaires. I always get my financial advice at RIU.
I have a relative from North Dakota that is a multi millionaire. He lives in South Bend. He owns rental properties. Also owns mineral rights in ND. Big ranch etc. He runs a business that does insurance jobs for commercial businesses in Florida. My sister and him own property in clear water. My wife and I are poor. But no debt. But it's been a heck of a ride.
I have a relative from North Dakota that is a multi millionaire. He lives in South Bend. He owns rental properties. Also owns mineral rights in ND. Big ranch etc. He runs a business that does insurance jobs for commercial businesses in Florida. My sister and him own property in clear water. My wife and I are poor. But no debt. But it's been a heck of a ride.
i think in this day and age if you own ur home and have no debt then ur upper middle class not poor.
when Trump took over, the DOW was at 24k.
I'm wondering about the banking system's health, that will fuck the real economy where the rubber meets the road and affects regular folks the most. I can't imagine Donald going on national TV and begging for 2 trillion to save the economy, like Bush. Trust me folks...

Well George fucked the economy, sucked the Saudi's asses after 911 and lost a major US city (new Orleans). Do ya figure Donald can top that? You bet he can and we're seeing it unfold before our very eyes, oh shit.

They are gonna need to use all those FEMA camps that Rush talked about as quarantine centers, maybe someone should ask him about the idea before he dies.