STL is about to start rioting.

OMG are you this dense. Maybe you should STOP smoking weed. I can't conversant with the stupid today. He was running the first shots Officer " I do weed bust" Wilson took was towards the back of Browns body. Does not mean he was necessarily hit in his back.

Edit..Need to add conversate to auto correct dictionary.
"shot him in the back" means "shot him in the back". Not shot from behind, above, to the side, or anything else. Trying to twist the plain meaning of words and claiming those who don't agree are ignorant is dishonest.
Then why is he dead?
Because he was shot to death. But when running away the reason he wasn't shot is because the officer is a shitty shot. But I would probably be a shitty shot too if my face was broken like the officer's face was.
Because he was shot to death. But when running away the reason he wasn't shot is because the officer is a shitty shot. But I would probably be a shitty shot too if my face was broken like the officer's face was.

Brown wasn't hit because most cops are really shitty shots.

"Wasn't hit" or "Because he was shot to death"? Pick one or the other, you can't claim both.
"Wasn't hit" or "Because he was shot to death"? Pick one or the other, you can't claim both.
Being "hit" by bullets and getting shot are the same thing Red.

I think you are misunderstanding the whole thing, re read Jahbrudda's comment.
"shot him in the back" means "shot him in the back". Not shot from behind, above, to the side, or anything else. Trying to twist the plain meaning of words and claiming those who don't agree are ignorant is dishonest.

no one said he was shot in the back, dipshit.
Because he was shot to death. But when running away the reason he wasn't shot is because the officer is a shitty shot. But I would probably be a shitty shot too if my face was broken like the officer's face was.
I hear it was his eye socket. Brown ripped his eye out the socket and then started taunting him with cigars and about his fraud identity stealing mom. Wilson got so angry he lost it shooting wildly. Brown saw this and started charging , ducking all bullets except 6. Wilson then grabbed his eye out of Browns hand and stuck it back in the socket. I heard this all from a caller on the radio:roll:
Prior to the incident, Brown the (gentle giant) and Johnson just finished piano lessons and were walking to Browns grandmothers house to help bake cookies for their boyscout meeting. Officer Wilson noticed the two black kids were in the middle of the road and ordered them to use the sidewalk, Brown politely explained that he and Johnson were just helping an elderly woman cross the busy street. Not satisfied with their story, officer Wilson reached out of his police car with his 5' long arm and grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the throat and fired his first shot.
Both kids took off running and the officer fired multiple shots but missed.
With multiple eyewitnesses present, officer Wilson waited for Brown to stop, turn around and put his hands up, then discharges his weapon 6 more times, hitting him with all 6 shots, 35' away, killing the gentle giant on the spot..
Prior to the incident, Brown the (gentle giant) and Johnson just finished piano lessons and were walking to Browns grandmothers house to help bake cookies for their boyscout meeting. Officer Wilson noticed the two black kids were in the middle of the road and ordered them to use the sidewalk, Brown politely explained that he and Johnson were just helping an elderly woman cross the busy street. Not satisfied with their story, officer Wilson reached out of his police car with his 5' long arm and grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the throat and fired his first shot.
Both kids took off running and the officer fired multiple shots but missed.
With multiple eyewitnesses present, officer Wilson waited for Brown to stop, turn around and put his hands up, then discharges his weapon 6 more times, hitting him with all 6 shots, 35' away, killing the gentle giant on the spot.. *the end*

Fixed it for ya :]