Still Yellowing... PLEASE HELP!!!!!


Active Member
ok so I am running 1 stand alone ebb and flo with AN fert. And Organic with Fox Farms.
temps are 78F ion avg. and Humidity about 30%. I would like it higher but I am running an AC unit to it which is keeping the humidity down. Setup is a 300 watt LED with 4 4' T5 in each corner to cover shadows. Also CO2 running every 30 min at .5 gph.

Ok the water I used for first time was bottled and for the organic I used distilled with nutes. and then switched to a brand new water filter (aquasana) to remove unwanted junk.
The plants are AF's and seem to be taking off fast but they have alot of yellowing on the tips. I posted last week and a guy told me cut the nutes that I was using full strength and they are babies. So I did I cut them by 1/8 the strength and the hydro setup was flushed clean and then applied the little amount of nutrient solutiion.

I am at a loss. I have no idea if it is an Mg diffeciency or maybe just still to much nutrient in the plant still?

I could really use some help here!! Pic's Posted below :-?

Also the PH seemed to be good at 5.6-.5.9 in Hydro setup and I haven't got a ph reading from soil yet... But the watering ph is about 7....


Well-Known Member
Those look to be deficient in Iron and zinc. More than likely, a PH issue, but alas, you say it's 5.6-5.9 Iron gets locked out at 6.0 Double check your PH in the res again.


Active Member
Those look to be deficient in Iron and zinc. More than likely, a PH issue, but alas, you say it's 5.6-5.9 Iron gets locked out at 6.0 Double check your PH in the res again.
Whats the chance it could be a ph balance issue on both organic and Hydro??


Well-Known Member
IDK man, that's a tough one. Yeah, it looks like a simple deficiency, but as you mentioned,'s awfully odd that the one in soil is effected, as well. Hmm...I know this is a long-shot, but is there any chance that they are growing inside one of those toxic grow tents? I saw one guy on here having a hell of a time figuring out why his plants were yellowing, and the tent turned out to be the cause. Figured it was worth mentioning. Other than that, I'll agree that it looks like and iron and/or zinc problem, but can't say 'why' exactly. Does you ferts have trace nutes in them?


Active Member
IDK man, that's a tough one. Yeah, it looks like a simple deficiency, but as you mentioned,'s awfully odd that the one in soil is effected, as well. Hmm...I know this is a long-shot, but is there any chance that they are growing inside one of those toxic grow tents? I saw one guy on here having a hell of a time figuring out why his plants were yellowing, and the tent turned out to be the cause. Figured it was worth mentioning. Other than that, I'll agree that it looks like and iron and/or zinc problem, but can't say 'why' exactly. Does you ferts have trace nutes in them?
Well doing research it does look exactly like Zinc deficiency. I don't think the tent is bad could be that I locked out the nutes on the hydro and the organic is just having problems with taking in the iron, which is also a ph thing. So I was thinking about getting some Chelated Zinc and Iron and trying that. Hopefully that will help and I will constantly check the ph.
But Thanx for the 411 on the tent I will do more research to see if it causing problems.
If it is the issue I wonder how it got that way to begin with!

Also as Far as my ferts. i am using AN micro-Grow-Bloom as base for Ebb and Flo, and on Organic I am using Foxfarms Organic ferts.

Thanks alot guys and If anyone knows what would be a good fert for Chelated Zinc and Iron please give me a shout I would really appreciate it!


Do you have the water that high all the time in the grow rock? those cubes can get to wet also.


Active Member
Do you have the water that high all the time in the grow rock? those cubes can get to wet also.
No, The level usually goes down alittle. I need more Hydroton rocks to fill the unit up which are on the way, but the pump is strong I have it on a very low setting and it still rises that high. So I just don't fill it up as much.

But I did a ph test again and the PH was High in the 7's...Gotta keep on this girl. I lowered it to 5.6 and hopefully that will fix her. And I bought some Chelated Zinc for the organic. I will post in a week to see if any changes have accured.
Thanks Guys!