Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

Hey all...I am growing a hybrid medical strain in Canada and have 1 mother plant in wk 7 of flower Seems to still have some white hairs esp on the top of the colas...I am wondering if I can squeeze in another dose of bloom nutes before I go to plain water....I also have given her 5 doses of blackstap molasses. I posted pics sorry about the quality, but if you look at the top of the colas you can clearly see white guess at brown hairs would be 50-65 %. I wasn't given any growing infoImported Photos 00193.jpg form tImported Photos 00192.jpghe govt....surprize there, not! Can anyone assist? I am using Jacks dynamic duo all purp 20-20-20 bloom 10-30-20 at recommended dosages maybe even a little less! First time grow don't want to mess it up!lol


Well-Known Member
flushing doesnt really work the way everyone thinks so you could feed them up to the day you harvest.

they look pretty good for a first grow!
Thanks for getting back.....I already gave it plain ph water...I guess I could go another round next time, afterall Peters is organic....thanks I am pretty darn proud, been a rough road, ended up with 2 males so I cloned the mother plant Oct 1 and they are doin fine!! LOL Going to transplant, then put them into flower in a wk or so...the aroma is intoxicating!! Its really not the best weed in the world but I hope to improve on what the govt supplies us here in Canada....all chopped up like 14% humdity, which is pretty dry!I may even return my last purch 30 gr haven't opened it so it's like $150 in the bank....just got to find out how to return it...?! Cheers!!


Well-Known Member
Not gonna start a war but NO,and i flush........Y because it taste better and this is from yrs of growing.Either let plant use all N or flush,cause thts where it taste the worst,Plants with alot of Nitrogen left.

You have done a good job. Like the blade above said, I agree 100%.

If your plants are still shooting white pistils, you might want ot reduce the Lights ON hours to 8. This will stop them from flowering white hairs. At least have work for me in the past with multiples strains.
You have done a good job. Like the blade above said, I agree 100%.

If your plants are still shooting white pistils, you might want ot reduce the Lights ON hours to 8. This will stop them from flowering white hairs. At least have work for me in the past with multiples strains.
I have never heard of only 8 on 16 off....I read to add 1 hr each day and work up to it, anyone else wanna weigh in? I also have 2 clones and 3 seedlings and only 1 reflector and 1 mh and1 hps 400 watt bulbs....but do have 4 26 watt cfl daylight 6500k on clamp lights and its quite portable...last night I kept the mother in a spare closet for the dark cycle so's I could give the others time under the HID lights...I live in an apt and money is I don't want the landlord squawking about the elec bill...lolBut I am legal so there's really nothing they can do....
"It's suggested to flower (12 hour light) this marijuana variety for 8 weeks, but 10 weeks will really give you the crystals you are after. Try to turn the lights off altogether the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle- or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from re-growth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower!" - Attitude Seed Bank "Breeders"

That's from Cannabis Seeds makers and more experienced growers.

If you let your plant keep shooting white pistils you will have a lot of 'CLEAR' trichomes, rather than cloudy or amber.
"It's suggested to flower (12 hour light) this marijuana variety for 8 weeks, but 10 weeks will really give you the crystals you are after. Try to turn the lights off altogether the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle- or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from re-growth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower!" - Attitude Seed Bank "Breeders"

That's from Cannabis Seeds makers and more experienced growers.

If you let your plant keep shooting white pistils you will have a lot of 'CLEAR' trichomes, rather than cloudy or amber.
I will take your advice and reduce the hrs on starting tonight....but will try it 1 hr at a time for the next 2 weeks. seems like you've done your homework on the topic.....kudos and thanks for the input!!


Well-Known Member
its all good to each his own. ive done tests myself over the years and couldnt taste the difference and saw no difference in ash color/consistency.

I kind of do a flush buts its mostly just to save a few bucks on nutes. only lasts 3 days and isnt so much a flush as just to cut the nutes. but i still give em snow storm ultra.

it could be the way i dry/cure because even premature bud can taste good after a good cure.

either way not tryna start a war as well. haha

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I would begin to reduce their food for the next few weeks. But not stop feeding them all together, crap pictures but they still look like they have a ways to go. Nice grow so keep it going. 1/2 of what you have been feeding for another week or so then just water the last few waterings.
Yes I agree I plan on that exactly....did the longer dark cycle last night 13 hrs will bump it to 14 tonight and even more so I get down to what everybodys saying.....I broke my reg camera just a loner from a friend like only other was 16!! TG Black Friday is coming! I will prob give another dose of blackstap as well...seems to fatten the buds up nicely! The 23rd will be 8 wks but have heard it can go 10, not going to rush it. Thanks for the input...btw! Cheers!