Still need to replant work to much


Well-Known Member
Couldve done that instead of posting here. Woulda took the same time. Lmao. Also those plants arent big eenough yet for xplant. And another thing i see a cup?! If it has no drainage GL to you


Well-Known Member
They look a bit sad. Overwatering is a possibilty. Where are all their leaves?

If you dont show them love now - no canabis for you!


Active Member
Mine is 9 months he loves to eat weed and smaller leaves he just rips up the big ones. If your pup has a taste for it I'd teach them before this happens again and they eat the stem or kill the plant.


Active Member
Yes I been training him I’m glad he didn’t he was about to i had more he ate a whole one that just started but i caught him before he could get the other ones