Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

Do you use it in hyrdo or soil? I got some purplemaxx I've never used.
i've got em in soil.

I have used it in both soil and hydro.

Not sure if i saw a diffference though. How do you make super frosty buds even more frosty? Dont they peak eventually? lol
i noticed a difference when i used it way back. its been some years i'm not expectin big change but im hopin fot something.
:leaf:Lush Phenos :leaf:

These are the two females i will be pollinating for my f4's. the first female being the starter. the second females progeny may never be grown.


Blue cheese x Lush
i have broken them down into three pheno's. but of course i won't know for shizzle til the light switches on em.










the leaqf structure on those seem to be fairly similar T, I can see one that has a slighlty fatter looking leaf to it, with the others being slightly more pointed. Node seperation looks fairly similar in them as well, although without size comparisons it's hard to tell. What are your defining differences in them?
As far as the Lush F4. whats not shown is the 1st male(i have 2 f3 males) i plan on using using. he is a super funky male. but with these two girls the first pic is the short stocky, sticky, very tight nodes
and a nice sweet smell i call her the "nice 1". the second female has a thin stem and is lanky by all accounts. but she smells oh so good! she also took almost a whole week longer to start showing clusters of flowers than the "nice 1" i'm excited to see what iv'e got here.

as far as the blue cheese lush. i have topped/fimmed all of them. #1 and #5 im grouping as Pheno "A". they are a tad bit shorter, thicker, has way tighter nodes and doesnt branch out much at all. both has a Citrusy/Fuel smell. also the leaves are sharper/ pointier than the others.

#3 and #4 are similar to #1 and #5 at first glance but they are taller, a little thinner, but they branch like crazy, they smell like something but i can't put my finger on it, but its not pleasant. the leaves are a tad bit wider(probably one of the ones you mentioned).

#2 is different then both, in all aspects. it was the first to be topped because it was taller than all the others. its stretchy and it smells like lemons. and it was already branching when i topped it so i'd say it's a branchy one. It has wider leaves too.

they are starting to show sex. so i'm thinking those are the males showing. i'm hoping for at least 3 girls. i will clone but i might not make f2's because i plan on popping 10 more in a week or two.
Most def working towards it the best i can. this f2's of the bc x lush will let me kno for sure if i want to move forward. keep it at f2 status or leave it as it.
Something else i just decided to do is instead of making f2's i'm going to take the blue cheesiest female from the blue cheese x lush f2. and use my male lush f3
on em, he's be perfect for em.
second pic very diff
just finished a sample botle of sno storm i cant swear it di anything for me
cause of all da shit i use

my list fems bottm regs top i kkep lists running totals info on them when and how i got them
i keep in a excel spread sheet

lots of up dates this month
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pheno "A" are both showing fem. making me think maybe all are fem, i aint seen no balls yet. but i see two out of five for sure fems, and on thats looks like it'll sho fem later. usually my males show first so this is awkward. and honestly id be sad for the first time getting all fem. even though i wasnt gonna f2 em yet . i wanted to see a male. right now im 2 for 5 on females
second pic very diff
just finished a sample botle of sno storm i cant swear it di anything for me
cause of all da shit i use

my list fems bottm regs top i kkep lists running totals info on them when and how i got them
i keep in a excel spread sheet

lots of up dates this month
View attachment 1922508
i bet you are one organized son of a sperm. too bad it would take you a millennia to grow em all. you should have a contest on your thread for a chance to win. maybe cfl or party cup.
well the Bhagavad Gita is the bible to the hindu and the kreshners - they believe that the spirit never dies it returns in another life form based on how you lived this life- if good another man in better status or a demi god -sumwhere above man but below god

if bad a lower life form like dog or snake or lower life form

i live a good life so i will save them in a place for my return

ha ah ha ha

yes you are right it would take me more then a lifetime to grow them all but i spred them around and i have help from those i deem worthy -or that i think need a boost

erryone has ther own thing mine is genetics sum is shitting on others and greed an selfishness
and i give alot all the peps i know on this site only a few give the way i do- sum wit seeds they make only - me its all of them make bought dont matter
give give give is my motto to recieve is good to but not critical to my existance -but one must be aman of his word

have yoself a fine day
i wonder what my thing is?

my lil homie from back home ask me how can he find purpose in his life.i told em straight up, I don't know. Just keep doin what u feel is right for u n eventually something a happen.
i been thinkin bout that shit ever since. everytime somebody ask me that it gets me thinkin n shyt.
Well 14 days til' my 25th B-day. I'm gettin kinda excited wondering what i'm going to get myself. More-so i'm hoping i have something to smoke by then. anyway, heres a few pics of the tent and closet, a sativa lush pheno that i kept in veg. but i freaking hate the structure of the one i have in flower now(back right corner). they smell different, the one in flower is all lemons and the one in veg is like a "berry" now and later or some candy that is "berry" flavored. and a pic of the lush at 13 days showing me she's the top choice for f4's. the tall sativa like one has some frost showing up too, but it doesnt have the smell or structure that i like. probably still make two sets from both males and both females.
Everythings good in both tents. the ck x hb has some issues that started when i tp'd mid flower. it hasnt gotten any worse for a while. or any better. other than that it's green.




you know back when i first left the big company in NYC i was sitn on a bundle in accumilated stock in the savings plan
i few years of sitin on my azz i started redin up on stocks an shit and understanding the market
i cashed in my old lady stocks and bought a few winners a nd looser here an there
but was doin OK
one day i gambled on a stock acronym was bam =books of america
see daonly way to make real $$ was to speculate a little on what you know of the company
it had all the makeings of a nother amazon .com -i jumped on it
it fucked me hard never kisssed me
i was afraid to tell da wife lost big soon as i grabbed it i lost alot
siad id hold it till it turned it kept tanking
i finaly told da wife she just said gota let it go before it drags you down more
lick your wounds and get on wit it

i realized dat day like sum banks sum gambelrs know already
sumtimes its better to take your loses let them go an move on dont look back just move on
mistakes will be made by peeps doing things

boy i member da old days i thought i was a day trader had big fun
i still hol d a few one my sweetest like sum be wit plants is qcom
i had it for a 2 for 1 then followed up wit a 4 for 1 piad big gives divedends as well
ill prolly never let that go

they make the chips that all the cell phones nedded to make there phones work i saw whut it was cooking when it first turned the stove on
dats da only way to make real $$ in the market forsee have it beforit takes off - after can be fatel
big $$ cashes in after big peaks

now when things ant right the cost ant shit to find out its time to let go
like a bad investment if you live life will have many

i got the vga cord in the mail. turns out i needed an svga cord. so my colors are right. but the picyture aint now. ill be getting the svga soon. my lady left for work this morning and i thought i had cigars from last night. too bad i didn't. now i'm smokin out of an apple. really considering going back to glass again.