Still going

My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
What are you exactly asking? This is a 2nd thread with no information other than pictures of stems? What do you want to know specifically?
I bought seeds as autos but they are in 10th week no sign of flowering i have been told to switch to 12/12 would this help also others saying they mite not be autos im just lost with it all now as its my first time sorry i didnt put any other information ment to be criticall xxl feeding cana a and b


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
You should know in a few days whether she was just a photo in disguise, she might stretch a lot though, so watch your light height!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Looks promising to me! I think she just needed some encouragement. Usually after the flip to 12/12 you should start seeing little fingertip sized baby buds after a week or 2, and you're throwing more pistils now. . Nice. :)
Looks promising to me! I think she just needed some encouragement. Usually after the flip to 12/12 you should start seeing little fingertip sized baby buds after a week or 2, and you're throwing more pistils now. . Nice. :)
I see lots of tiny white feathery things now


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Yeah, those are the starts of your bud sites. In 10 or so weeks you're gonna have some dank! I hope we get to see her journey.