Still going, cupboard


Well-Known Member
Used to post my grow at a site that went down since, so here's an update for those who followed me there.

I'm mostly done tweaking for now and just giving enough attention to run some seeds and not mess with it.

Raspberry Pi 4 with Mycodo, 4 PWM outputs for 2 fans and 2 lights, two combo temp/humidity sensors and two temp only sensors scattered throughout: in the fresh air input, in the lung room, in the ducts, and in the canopy. Sort of a sealed room design with an air loop that I blend with fresh air.

I switched the hand-made LT-QB22 light with a Tall trees bar that someone gifted me, to try something different. I took a hacksaw to it so it would fit better in the space.

Had this previous run. I just let it go unsupported and everything fell over. *shrug*
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How it's going now:
Finally got around to buying a Sensirion SDC40 CO2 sensor, grafted it to the esp8266 that monitors canopy temp & humidity (with a Sensirion SHT30), futzed around with calibrating it, and recorded a week's worth of data:
I'm still having issues calibrating the PID controller that does heat (light green) and it's fluctuating by 0.4C during lights on. I'm not too concerned but wished it were a flatter curve.
Humidity (dark cyan?) stays where I want it, min 64, max 69%.
The CO2 curve(red) is... intriguing. This is a sort of hybrid sealed room, with an exhaust fan programmed to spin very slow until humidity climbs. But humidity doesn't really climb at all so there's only a small amount of air exchange going on.