Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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Well-Known Member
Don't leave because of me,
I will never go back there.
I don't want to go through all the bullshit of building rep and wondering who all the players are again
I don't plan on being here long.
I guess I will ride off into the sunset like a good little indian.
Too Old for a new beginning, Really Hurt I thougght I had some Bros other there
Live and learn, Thanks for having my Back
You are a Good friend,


Well-Known Member
Sorry Stigman! The only one to ask was papa, and you know what I told him. I figure Major, and a couple of others will ask soon. Nobody, and I mean nobody gives two shit about anybody else, online or in person. I've have that fact re enforced daily, people call you fam and partner then they shit right on your face. Fuck people in general. Bunch of back stabbing mother fuckers for the most part, fuck'em! I'm being staked online at all my online spots. I guess I should have used different usernames at the different spots. Now I wonder who is doing that? lol. I think I'm going to do a new email to run my phone off of, change everything, passwords... for some reason I cant login with my phone to GC.... hum? Sombody keeps reporting me on boobtube. Fucking bunch of commies, damned to hell online bullies. You ever use bitcoin stiggy? Complicated piece o shit right there! It seems that's the only way I'll get any seeds from the vault. Jack hasn't messaged me back, I think asking him how to send cash, sent him over the edge. lol. I just wanted to know of any tricks he might have. It didn't sound stupid when I typed it. lol Oh well, I'll type at you tomorrow !

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