Stiff Brittle Leaves and Burnt Leaf Edges (Hydro Help)


Well-Known Member
My Grow Journal Should help this process along, ive kept a fairly good journal. See my Signature at the bottom. Ill give the basic information bellow.

Strain: Nirvana Bubbleicious and Ceres Skunk
Issue: Very brittle and dry leaves. Looks like a burning around the leaf edges. I noticed this prior to switching to Aeroponics. I tried to rinse the roots because i believed i had a salt build up. They have seemed to have progressed worse.
Grow Medium: Started these plants off in a Passive Hydro (Rockwool cubes sitting ontop of Perlite, watering when cat litter pans would dry). Moved to Active Hydro, using aeroponics. Pump is running at 40s (on)/240s (off)
Nutes/PH: Was running the New Holland Feed schedule, you can find this info in my journal. Currently i have the plants in the new Hydro unit. Im running 1100 PPM (believe the meter is running at x .10 for the ppm scale []). My PH goes from 5.5-6.2 before water changes. In the last 48Hrs the PPM have changed to 1040 PPM.
Water Temp: Between 70-78*F
Room Temps: 70-89*F

Ceres Skunk #1
2013-09-23 19.02.22.jpg

Ceres Skunk#2
2013-09-23 19.02.32.jpg
Nirvana Bubbleicious #1
2013-09-23 19.02.38.jpg
Nirvana Bubbleicious #2
2013-09-23 19.02.41.jpg

Im sure im forgetting some stuff, so i did im sorry in advance and ill answer any questons to get a helpful diagnoses and fix.

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You've got leaves tips curling up, and leaves tips curling down, leaves edges curling up, and dead leaf edges, and tips.
Your following the Feed schedule? Mixing in Micro First?
your running the pH Range for hydro. That shouldn't be a problem.
What kind of water are you using? whats the PPM of your water? Did this problem just start? Did it happen when your room temps went to 89F?
Do your roots look decent? No slime? No black root tips?
you have alot of deficiencies going on. somethings locking them out. or locked nutrients when the problem first started.
You could hit the "Reset Button" and just run plain water for a day or two. Clean your system up with a hydrogen peroxide solution.
Try and start fresh again. It's harder to tell if your fixing your problems in flower. You don't have alot of new leaf growth to look at. Just the leaves that surround the flower cluster.
once parts of your leaves are dead they stay dead.



Well-Known Member
the problem started about a week ago. I'm currently in week 7 of my flowering.I have been following the schedule that you post be honest I've been running temperatures higher than that the previous weeks but now that it is fall the temperatures have dropped and I'm running perfect temperature is the past two to three weeks. Plant leaves look perfectly fine before.I also believe that with Hollands secret you are supposed to mix and the grow before the micro. The water comes directly from my tap, then is phed, then I add bites and 3ml h2o2/4L. The ppm of it is around 200. Roots look white and healthy, no foul smells on the water change.

Being that I'm on my last 2weeks before the flush, are we thinking this is just natural?


Well-Known Member
Some plant death should happen like your Fan leaves yellow die and fall off. your older leaves will yellow and die.
bud leaves should look fairly decent.
pH your nutrient solution after you add your nutrients, and waited about 15 minutes for the solution to stabilize.
The PPM that are in your water effect your nutrient solutions pH.
The more pure your water is the less problems your going to have. IMO- I'd look into a RO or RO/DI system. You'll have less problems.

7 weeks into flower. You'll finish ok. Fix a few things, and you next grow will be your best.

Decent Link on Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Well boys im sorry to do this but im super pissed off. I just did a manual check of the PH with litmus paper (sp?) and it looks to be way off.. I tried calibrating the solution, and i calibrated to 4.00PH, then i placed probe back into the tap water and it reads something like 200PH (no decimal point) back into calibration solution and 4.00PH. Think the probe is fucked, and who knows for how long, i originally calibrated at the beginning. I adjusted PH to about 5.8-6.0 (hard to tell as its color specific). Ordered a new Tri-meter, a good type this time, not one with a set screw. Cost me $260. Guess you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Found my actual issue.. i had my tri-meter close to CFLs and T5 lights (running them to get a few more lumins with my 600W HPS). Turns out when its close to CFLs and flors it causes the meter to read out of wack. When i got my new tri-meter i had mounted it on the wall, i had moved the old meter down to the veg chamber and mounted it on the same wood the t5 was on. It was about 2inches from the light... then the PPMs started to go wack.... my pH was working now though... then after trying numerous things to fix the old meter i took it out of the closet with the probes still in solution... wow... then readings were both perfect.. fucking eh!