Sticky situation!


Active Member
ok i have six plants that are nice and ready for harvest.
the problem i have is i only have 2 weeks left in the house. i can cut them down immidietly as i have been feeding just plain water, no nutes, for the last 2 weeks.
but if i hang them upside down in a dark room for two weeks without canning/jarring them afterwords, would this be enough to dry my bud to a reasonable standard...

thanks in advance for the help

Hydro :peace:


Well-Known Member
If they are rdy for the chop chop em. Hang in closet until stems snap and be on your merry way:-) You should have them curing in jars before the 2 weeks is up:-)



Active Member
It depends on how good you want ur weed to taste, well cured weed is smoother, richer and better on your lungs.

But still, you´ll have nice dry weed in jars in less than 2 weeks, no doubt.


Well-Known Member
yes the curing is needed. depending on how fast your buds dry you may be able to jar them in three or four days....but make sure you jar em up...the curing removes the green taste. and makes your weed smell like it should.