sticky situation, do I tell my girl I sorted of been on loyal to her?

You people on this forums are really immature (not everyone) but some of you are old adult men and you act like 2 and then when I start trolling and don't post serious shit people cry.
Just follow these moves:

And then tell her: ooh ooh ooh I love you, while doing these moves:
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Why are you feeling bad?You should just keep fucking them both. I would leave one bitches house and go fuck the other bitch with the 1st bitches pussy juices still on my dick and not give 2 fux about it.

dammit Gary I'm only 4 or 5 posts down and you make me spill my coffee lmfao. only you Gary, if you were to say anything other than that I would be worried.
(imo) its the women that runs the relationship, sure ..many here will say stuff like "its us that run this relationship' ...but it ain't!.. and every time the male screws up, like being taking her for granted etc, then its another notch in her belt against you, eventually and depending on the infatuation the female has for you, she may have built up 10-50 notches..(bad reps) then the time will come when she has to make the decision to leave you.
By now, you the male may have that tingly feeling you get in the tummy, but you the male don't listen, your ego is way too big for that, so you continue to be the uncaring jerk, then she says wants to dump you, but the male ego can't won't handle this, the male goes crazy often abusive even violent.

The deal is to allow the female to run the relationship, you the male pay it out ..just like your Dad did, and never ever forget your job, and that is to keep the relationship, no matter how long the Honey Moon stage ...just never ever leave it, keep in mind too, marriage these days is never ever forever, ...unfortunately!
(imo) its the women that runs the relationship, sure ..many here will say stuff like "its us that run this relationship' ...but it ain't!.. and every time the male screws up, like being taking her for granted etc, then its another notch in her belt against you, eventually and depending on the infatuation the female has for you, she may have built up 10-50 notches..(bad reps) then the time will come when she has to make the decision to leave you.
By now, you the male may have that tingly feeling you get in the tummy, but you the male don't listen, your ego is way too big for that, so you continue to be the uncaring jerk, then she says wants to dump you, but the male ego can't won't handle this, the male goes crazy often abusive even violent.

The deal is to allow the female to run the relationship, you the male pay it out ..just like your Dad did, and never ever forget your job, and that is to keep the relationship, no matter how long the Honey Moon stage ...just never ever leave it, keep in mind too, marriage these days is never ever forever, ...unfortunately!
Most intelligent comment I've seen on riu.
Honey Moon Stage light ..caring..funny.. loving.. and devotional?, but if you like Wolf^^^ above stray and perhaps are caught cold? then you are out,
note to that you never ever get good notches or good reps, and never ever try to convince her otherwize it turn to bad reps real quick.

Women get over bad relationship quicker or I should say faster than guys, but this ain't a sexual dynamic, meaning the 'speed' in which a person can
can 'get over' the feeling of rejection is more about previous experience than emotional toughness, females have a different recovery strategy than males,
the male is inclined to hold it in, to boiling point? as the female sits with 4-5 friends, with coffee or wine, and it all pours out every single dirty thing that happened with your babe is torn to minute shreds, if you have this going on, be like the girls be with buddies and talk talk and then talk it out, its better than letting this shit boil in you brain forever.
That's because he's a Russian; Russian gals can't leave, where they gonna go, to Russia?
Currently they are moving to Germany looking for USAF husbands, and why not I've tried to sell mail order brides on RIU, but they won't have it, what to do with 32000, blond 6 foot skinny blonds wanting to make babies ...and all for a BMW and juicemaker?
I feel guilty I've been trading nudes with this girl .

I promise I never meant to do this I just made a mistake. .

So which one is it? You act like you are the victim here: like your dick just unzipped your pants and mushroom stamped your iPhone all on it's own…First you've been trading pics (ongoing) Now you claim you never meant to do this? WTF? be a man and own that shit.

And stop blaming her parents. You're a grown up ( I think, but that may be a generous assumption)


How about a truck and an apple press?

you sir are on a roll LOL
So which one is it? You act like you are the victim here: like your dick just unzipped your pants and mushroom stamped your iPhone all on it's own…First you've been trading pics (ongoing) Now you claim you never meant to do this? WTF? be a man and own that shit.

And stop blaming her parents. You're a grown up ( I think, but that may be a generous assumption)

No he isn't. Is be acting like one? Case closed.