Sticky scissors??


Well-Known Member
What's up RIU, I just need to know a solution for sticky scissors? Alcohol? This is second harvest, first harvest was shit and I didn't have this problem. ( seems like a good problem to have) so I was thinking alcohol but I'm not sure.. Any suggestions??



Well-Known Member
I feel badly (just a LITTLE) for undermining this guy, but I do something similar to this with my old Ona Block containers, some sponge, and rubbing alcohol.



Well-Known Member
Wish I read this before smoking the bowl I just did as in the center was a resin ball about 3/8" in diameter that was from thorough razor blade cleanings while chopping a plant moments ago, I would have taken a picture. Very tasty.


Well-Known Member
dont waste ur scissor hash, razor blade n collect, thats the instant gratification smoke for the effort spent trimming.

Keep 2-3 pair of fiskars around (hydrofarm curved tips are ok too but fiskars are so nice) and a cup of 90% or stronger iso (rubbing) alcohol.

After a pair gets gummed up, scrape clean with the razor blade, drop snips into cup of iso, grab next set, (wipe off if from cup) trim til its gummed up, repeat until done trimming...

gather all that razor bladed goodness.... smash it together..... smoke it.... be really really high....


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, some really good ideas and I'll be collecting the sticky goodness.. Didn't even think about that.. That idea almost makes me wanna trim another one just to try it.. ( almost)


King Tut
Thanks all, some really good ideas and I'll be collecting the sticky goodness.. Didn't even think about that.. That idea almost makes me wanna trim another one just to try it.. ( almost)
The first time I tried it I was gonna try to somehow infuse the vegetable oil with my scissor hash but I forgot about it for a few days and got contaminants in it.