sticks and stoned?


Well-Known Member
any thought on here if saving your stiggily sticks (stems) will get you buzzed a bit when youre out? ima go try it, and ill be back if im buzzed at all.


Well-Known Member
When i was young I crushed them up and rolled a joint...didnt turn out to well ;). Ive heard of cooking with them or making something to shake the extra kief off them tho.


Well-Known Member
sticks make your eyes go red red. take them out if you suffer from red eye.

not so nice to smoke, but they work as incense - give off a pleasant smell.


Well-Known Member
Head-ache galore... Stems suck until you run them through a grinder with a catch on it. Then you get some nice keif without having to lessen the quality of your bud.