Steroids bust goes bad in NH


Active Member
WTF? A steroids raid? Is it really necessary to call out the drug taskforce swat team to take a guy down for selling steroids to other muscleheads? And why is the local chief of police, two weeks before retirement, taking part in executing search warrants on low level thugs? What if the guy is home napping on the couch and someone comes busting in? He may be used to fending off roid-rage assholes so blows away the intruder, only to find it's a cop. They fire on him so he caps 4 more of the fat cops. Not hard to do, obviously. We'll never know what happened since the guy selling steroids by the gram and his girlfriend are now dead along with the chief.

Why didn't they just wait til he left and pull him over or nab him in public? The "kick the door in" mentality that cops have simply provokes these type of shootouts. These cops are so accustomed to serving search warrants and entering and searching homes that they weren't even prepared for resistance. Entering a home by force should be the last resort. The strategy of surprise home invasions and searches failed in Iraq and Afghanistan and is why the locals hate the presence of US troops. It fueled the insurgents with hatred. It will fail here too. The question is how many will die needlessly in similar situations before they realize this?

This guy died last night, 8 days before retiring. BTW, how does a 48 year old retire with a full pension? No wonder they system is broke.
The cops entered his home last july after his girlfriend complained that he hit her. She said he had guns so they went into the house to confiscate them and found powder which they sent to the lab. They didn't get the results back until this january that it was steroids and they finally got around to the home invasion last night. The shooter used to be a fireman too.
This guy died last night, 8 days before retiring. BTW, how does a 48 year old retire with a full pension? No wonder they system is broke.

26 years on the force, 12 as chief probably builds up. If he managed money well he could fully be set to retire with some part time 'security guarding' to keep himself in shape. Well could have... fucking roidrage.
The cops entered his home last july after his girlfriend complained that he hit her. She said he had guns so they went into the house to confiscate them and found powder which they sent to the lab. They didn't get the results back until this january that it was steroids and they finally got around to the home invasion last night. The shooter used to be a fireman too.

Damn, some people have no respect for law enforcement.
sounds like BS to me

a crime might have been happening 8 months ago so now we kick down your door, i have friends and they have been know n to leve things around , a thousand possibilities could have spawned the powder on the table excuse . . . . and you dont snort steriods i thougth

lazy cops

6 months to get a sample tested what is this NYPD blue 1987

wonder what the statue of limitation are for this time of crime want to bet its around 10 months to a year . . . . .?

i dont think so

sound like more BS . . white powder on table, how generic of a charge . .. .

i dont know of any metabolic steroids that are in powder form . . .. . . . . and i could be wrong i dont know what every form of steroid is

i guess deca can be extracted from cotton seed powder, butonce extracted it is liquid at room temperature

you inject them not mix em . . .. this
Will we get to see this on the next episode of 'Cops' ? - Maybe, after a clip where they push some guys face into the concrete for having a joint in his pocket.
the joint isnt the issue and neither is the crime

cops are control freaks . . . . thats it . .. no where else in any profession of authority and public/civil responsibility will you find as many mental people then a police force . . .never meet a cop i like and i grew up with more than one . . . . these people are conditioned like animals . . . .it really is sad and demented
Will we get to see this on the next episode of 'Cops' ? - Maybe, after a clip where they push some guys face into the concrete for having a joint in his pocket.

I hope not. TOO MANY dumb ass cop shows on the idiot box already. Get rid of em all! ;)