Sterilizing a room?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what steps you guys take when preparing for a grow?

How far do you go with it and what do you guys use?

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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I took a dustpan and brush to the floor of my cupboard because there were bits of leaves and hydroton around the place. Other than that i sterilized nothing. Was never given a reason to change this practice :)


Well-Known Member
I clean and vacuum up the room. Wash everything possible. Rinse the hydro system with H2O2. Once I ran a heavy duty O2 generator for 48 hours to get rid of some gnats, but don't normally do so. You may have more problems with pests if you're using soil, that was the only time I had any.


Active Member
Just do the normal house hold chores. Vacuum, dust, was the windows if you have emm. General stuff. Do not need to go over board. You control mold during a grow with humidity and such anyways. As long as you have everything set up right and did you general chores you should be fine.

I never do anything special.


Active Member
The obvious is to clean thoroughly and sanitize with something food grade (a tablespoon of bleach in a gallon of water is used in most restaurants). Then spray everything with Neem oil, which is an organic all around pesticide and fungicide. I would highly recommend using a bug bomb for spider mites and aphids and a sulfur burn to kill any possibility of powder mildew. The bug bomb is cheap and can be picked up at your hydro store. The sulfur burner is a bit more expensive but when you think about a lifetime of sprays that just don't work, it's a real value at around $120. The best way to deal with problems is to prevent them in the first place. The time and money spent on prevention is well worth it.


Well-Known Member
i use bleach on the room + equipment because it kills things and then slowly evaporates.

I use it diluted to 1-2 caps clorox per gal of water and always a drop of soap to emulsify.

I use spinosad on the plants when i get issues with pests and seems to do great work, except for earwigs. For those, i use sluggo plus (if i see damage)


Well-Known Member
I used my Hudson fogger to spray a surface spray dosage of pyrethrin. I sprayed every surface including in take. My room is I the garage so I sprayed the rest of the garage a well.

After letting the spray dry I went through and wiped everything down with bleach water.
I'm hoping this is enough as this is my first run through from start to finish.

TN Jedeye

I'm in a basement, so I have a concrete floor and a sump pump. I sweep, shop-vac, and then scrub the floor with bleach cleaner and water, then give it a day to dry and air out.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
save the neem oil for plants remember it is oil i would hate my tent walls and floor all oily just sweep vacum then hit everything with bleach and water( except carbon filer just vacum ) let dry your good to go.


Well-Known Member
A broom, dustpan, shopvac, paper towels, and a spray bottle filled with Hydrogen Peroxide.

All you'll ever need.


Well-Known Member
I vacuum the carbon filter as it gets dusty
ozone the room
wire brush and soapy water for everything else hardwater/limescale on hydro equipment



Well-Known Member
Just a few moments ago I went thru this exact process. picked up any intact leaves on the floor because they'll possibly plug your shop vac hose up.
Shop vac'd , looked for bleach and had none, so I loaded up the atomist with 29% h2o2 (diluted of course, I'm cleaning a room not removing paint/skin/whatever)and doused every-fucking-thing.
Got in there on my hands and knees and mopped that shit up with a old towel. loaded up the atomist with Riptide(pyrethrin based insecticide , went heavy since the rooms empty. this flushes spiders and shit from hiding too) blasted the room with the Riptide.
Took 2 mg xan.
Did some mods and changes.
Took a smoke break.
about to get back up at it even though they call for a 12 hour re-entry time on pyrethirns , safe for mammals I might add.
I'll be moving plants in tonight more than likely.


Well-Known Member

Taking a shower and then transplanting the girls.

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Well-Known Member
I usually set off two doctor doom bombs within 2 days of each other. Put bleach and water in your atomist and spray the walls/ground.


Well-Known Member
can i ask how much capacity those bags have in the picture?
I'm thinking of bags this time around as well either 20 or 50 gallon
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Ozone reaches all those hard to scrub nooks n crannies Mrs mop can't reach with her bleach n spray bottle :)


Well-Known Member
Those are 15g I was originally gonna go with 20g but I didn't reign it'd have space.

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Well-Known Member
Those are 15g I was originally gonna go with 20g but I didn't reign it'd have space.

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Thank you,I was hoping to use 20 gallon myself on my next grow. but these 15's seem plenty big enough.
I have 20 foot by 20 foot and 12' ceilings for my new room and a 22 plant allotment.