Sterilize RDWC - How much bleach?


Active Member
So I just got done building my 4 site RDWC system. (4) - 13 Gal containers and a 13 gal Res.

Will be filing about 50 Gallons total or so.

To sterilize - How much bleach should I use? Just one of the 2 L jugs of bleach? Or should I be using Hydrogen Peroxide?
I'll be using bennies either way, does it matter all THAT much? lol

I'm more or less just trying to clean the system before using it.
word, thought you were talking about running the system
bleach for cleaning is fine, 2l in 50 gal seems a bit overkill though. id think a cap full or so per gal should be plenty
Just make sure all the bleach is gone from the system before introducing the beneficials. I learned that the hard way many years ago.
I prefer iso alcohol and peroxide over bleach.
Iso dissolves quickly and leaves nothing and peroxide becomes water over several days.
Bleach can leave a residue or film on stuff and be difficult to remove it.

34% peroxide is easier to use, but when i can't get that, one of the big brown bottles you can get at Walmart for $1 per 10 gallons works well. Dump them in and run the system for 2-3 days then drain and wipe out. Anything that didn't come off the sides wipe down with iso.
I prefer iso alcohol and peroxide over bleach.
Iso dissolves quickly and leaves nothing and peroxide becomes water over several days.
Bleach can leave a residue or film on stuff and be difficult to remove it.

34% peroxide is easier to use, but when i can't get that, one of the big brown bottles you can get at Walmart for $1 per 10 gallons works well. Dump them in and run the system for 2-3 days then drain and wipe out. Anything that didn't come off the sides wipe down with iso.
My man! The response I was looking for