sterilize mush cakes.


Well-Known Member
I see so many people that don't want to shell out the cash for a pressure cooker. Why? For $70 you can go to walmart and but one that holds 12 jars. PC'ing is the ONLY way to guarantee sterile jars.


Well-Known Member
I tryed a few of those cheap pressure cookers and always had problems with the gasket leaking after light use , The gaskets are replaceable but you usualy have to order them

I bought a all-american about 10 years ago and works like a champ every time / and I use it heavly


Well-Known Member
I see so many people that don't want to shell out the cash for a pressure cooker. Why? For $70 you can go to walmart and but one that holds 12 jars. PC'ing is the ONLY way to guarantee sterile jars.

Yeah - WHY IS THAT? These people might not think twice about buying a good PH tester. Besides all of that, your cooker can be used for..... wait for it..... cooking! Like artichokes? there is NO better way to cook them than pressure cooking, the leaves do not get water logged, and the choke is just as tender as the outer leaves. Oh, how about your pot roast? Brown the outside and then put the cover on and crank up the steam - tender, moist, tasty. Stew? cooked in half the time. Short ribs? excelent. Beyond even that, if you have a garden it takes very little extra money to put up your tomatos, your corn relish and the like. Hell, it could even pay for itself if you can enough. I make enough home made pasta sauce and enchilada sauce base every year to last me two - and give some away. Figure a quart of Mama De Angelo's marinara costs $4.50 and you can can 7 quarts per pass, the jars are reusable and the sealing lids are a few dollars a dozen.

Everyone has a microwave - everyone should have at least a small pressure cooker, I can't figure out why people are so reluctant to get a cooker.


Well-Known Member
I tryed a few of those cheap pressure cookers and always had problems with the gasket leaking after light use , The gaskets are replaceable but you usualy have to order them

I bought a all-american about 10 years ago and works like a champ every time / and I use it heavly

I think I've had maybe 10 cookers - the all american is damn fine but I don't have much of a problem with the presto either - if gaskets are a problem, pick up a few sets when you get your cooker (and a pressure release plug or two) they don't cost much at all.