And so, Trump sets back policy almost a hundred years. Because science is hard.
EPA dismisses half of key board’s scientific advisers; Interior suspends more than 200 advisory panels
“The Secretary is committed to restoring trust in the Department’s decision-making and that begins with institutionalizing state and local input and ongoing collaboration, particularly in communities surrounding public lands,” Interior spokeswoman Heather Swift said by email Monday. “As the Department concludes its review in the weeks ahead, agencies will notice future meetings to ensure that the Department continues to get the benefit of the views of local communities in all decision-making on public land management.”
"We'll restore trust by controlling the message" Science community can't agree with the administration's claim that man's burning of fossil fuels is not causing climate change. Or that large migratory species like Caribou need calving grounds in order to survive. Therefore, we'll stack the commission with industrialists and ranchers who are more agreeable.