Stem split during training


Active Member
Hey was doing a final lst pinning down branches before I flower and this happened....stem split right in half...still on tried my best to hold it back together....what do I do now? Or is it going to die?20180428_073946.jpg
So I tried my best I can't get the gap to close tightly...basically how it is in the step? Tape it up? Or throw the thing out and start over? Worth flowering at this point or should I wait for it to heal if it does heal?
It's kinda hard to see how much is still holding together in that pic. I lst pretty aggressively and I'm usually pretty impressed with how well the ladies bounce back. I would use a twist tie to hold it together as best as you can, veg for a extra week of two at the most and carry on with life. It will either heal up and flower happily or that branch will die and dry up. If the latter happens just cut off the offending branch and the rest of your girl will flower just fine.
Kinda hard to tell from the pic but it looks like the main stalk split. I've had this happen on a big girl outdoors-just splint up the wound as best as you can and she should recover. The only time to despair is if the limb is severed.
In fact, the girl in my avatar is the one that split and she ended up @ 10'
Yes it is the main stem was the point of a previous topping...I ended up using g garden tie and cranking it shut and using some of the pruning sealer on it to retain moisture. .tape could have worked but in the awkward position I felt more comfortable using the sealer...appreciate all the advise I'm going to hold off on flower till mid week next week...will update thanks again everyone
If it's not completely severed, it'll be just fine. Let it be...the leaves above it will wilt a little bit for about a day...keep it just a bit further from the light for a day or so and it will perk back up and heal itself...eventually you notice a knot there.
Cable ties work very well for holding split main stems together securely and mesh bandage tape for wrapping broken branches to help air get to the wounds so they can breathe while they heal.