STEM munched PICS


Well-Known Member
That mesh won't do anything. You need to take care of this ASAP. If nothing else cut a couple of pop cans and place them around the base of the stem. 2 high minimum.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG449.jpg alright guys attempt number 2! water bottle cut down the side with hole in bottom so it will chill on plant.. left the mesh inside lol incase a mouse from that hole climss thru the crack haha

george xxx

Active Member
Don't know about where you are but here that is a very common problem with all plants. Here the problem is mostly squirrels and ground hogs and the problem seldom occurs any higher that they can reach standing on their hind legs. While wire does work simple cheap tree wrap does just as well and is easier to use. Its like a roll of crept paper treated for wrapping young tree trunk bases to protect from exactly what your problem is.
Typical home depot garden center item, bought every roll they had last month. They had a clearance sale $1 ea.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
alright man will im going to wait to see if any more damage occurs higher up. if it does ill definitely consider the tree wrap.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
most definantly haha i just want her dank pk nugs. walking up to her a can smell for almost 10 feet away. not bluffin