STEM munched PICS

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I had a plant that got nibbled on by a rodent like this. The plant seemed to do just fine, but I had to make sure it couldn't happen again. Get some chicken wire or simething and wrap the stem up to protect it.

Brother Sweetleaf

Well-Known Member
Chicken wire will do the trick... Just make sure that you have it flush to the ground. You can even bend the tippity-top of the wires out & downwards; that'll keep critters from trying to go over your "fence"... And peeing in the vicinity of your plants (but not TOO close) might ward away some animals. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA man, it will just eat abit higher up. You need alot more chicken wire and put in abit in the ground cus those motherfuckers bury under it
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Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yeah you need to build like a wall around it. Whatever is eating yours is probably fairly large like a squirrel or a rabbit or a gopher IDK.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
eat a nbit higher up yeah thats exaclty what it did man..fuck i put the thing i have now turned it o it was taller like the shape of you comp tower up n down u kno..i bet this is hard to understand. but yeah it is probably 3 times as high now, i also spotted a hole in my hole that my plant is in, its around the perimiter and goes into the ground away from the plant, i shoved some dirt in it lol suspecting that's whats eating my plant.. will take more pics in a bit

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG436.jpgIMG437.jpgIMG438.jpgIMG440.jpgIMG441.jpgIMG443.jpg heres the pics.. hah got some white shit on my plant that doesnt appear to be pm but could it be the milk that i sprayed on my plant, i got my finger wet and rubbbed some off and it is back again today, also the fuckin mouse hole is active as its open again after i stuffed it closed lol.. any ideas? i put the wire vertical instead of horozontal, so it is taller i dont think it can reach above this now if its just a mouse from that hole..

66 north

Well-Known Member
I had a problem like that earlier this summer it was squirrels I used mouse bait and rat traps only after they nearly cleaned me out .

66 north

Well-Known Member
They can they did mine . They nearly cleaned me out before I got it under control and I had them fenced in good I knew it was something small ,I just couldn't believe it was squirrels.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2305900View attachment 2305901View attachment 2305902View attachment 2305903View attachment 2305904View attachment 2305905 heres the pics.. hah got some white shit on my plant that doesnt appear to be pm but could it be the milk that i sprayed on my plant,
What's with the bloody milk man? Get some fine mesh and run it round the plant about six inches away from the stem - and get a mouse trap for good measure - I had a hamster and it would have loved your climbing frame.

66 north

Well-Known Member
I have used a plastic soda bottle split and zip tied around the stock that seemed to work good for smaller pest but those dam squirrels can go to the top if they want .