Stem cracked and now leaves above crack look droopy

Hey guys, Tuesday my stem cracked because of a wind gust but not completely. There still should have been enough room for water and all that to go through the stem up to the leaves above the crack. However, even before the stem cracked the place where it cracked was brown/black and very moist. This is probably part of the reason why it cracked there. So i cleaned it out taped it up and gave it a bit of support. It was looking fine up till today. I came home and the leaves above the crack were really droopy. Took the tape off and saw that everything underneath was really soft and brown, looked like it was rotten. I've been spraying it with water each half hour for the last 30 min. but haven't seen any improvement. Do you guys think it's possible to bring it back to life? Cheers image1.JPG image1-1.JPG image2.JPG image2-1.JPG


Well-Known Member
Man that looks bad bro, sorry to see that. I had a stem split down the middle on me and I just tapped it and tied with string. That looks like it might be a goner, but you can hope for is to keep it taped up and pray.
you reckon? alright, thanks for answering! Guess maybe it could have a sort of supercrop effect? Haha thats just basingitself on my optimism...

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Tuesday my stem cracked because of a wind gust but not completely. There still should have been enough room for water and all that to go through the stem up to the leaves above the crack. However, even before the stem cracked the place where it cracked was brown/black and very moist. This is probably part of the reason why it cracked there. So i cleaned it out taped it up and gave it a bit of support. It was looking fine up till today. I came home and the leaves above the crack were really droopy. Took the tape off and saw that everything underneath was really soft and brown, looked like it was rotten. I've been spraying it with water each half hour for the last 30 min. but haven't seen any improvement. Do you guys think it's possible to bring it back to life? Cheers View attachment 3502530 View attachment 3502531 View attachment 3502532 View attachment 3502533
Yes it will survive and it will be one hellAva harvest. Thats oldschool technique that ppl used to use to have more buds .


Well-Known Member
That looks pretty bad but you have nothing to to lose. Could do just fine, I bend and break mine on purpose because the yield is better.


Well-Known Member
However, even before the stem cracked the place where it cracked was brown/black and very moist.
I think this is more worrisome than a typical break. Sounds like insects or some sort of mechanical damage got something nasty started. Hope I'm wrong, but I'm thinking you may lose it. That wound looks scary.


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty bad Hope it turns out being alright for you The scary part is your already having problems after it broke .....but you never know I've been suprised before good luck


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of a messed up supercrop I did while in veg all my main stalks are like this and most the branches on my girl it's pretty awesome how these plants heal themselves and still grow bad ass buds sorry for the trouble but she will hopefully make it to be a good yield image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Tuesday my stem cracked because of a wind gust but not completely. There still should have been enough room for water and all that to go through the stem up to the leaves above the crack. However, even before the stem cracked the place where it cracked was brown/black and very moist. This is probably part of the reason why it cracked there. So i cleaned it out taped it up and gave it a bit of support. It was looking fine up till today. I came home and the leaves above the crack were really droopy. Took the tape off and saw that everything underneath was really soft and brown, looked like it was rotten. I've been spraying it with water each half hour for the last 30 min. but haven't seen any improvement. Do you guys think it's possible to bring it back to life? Cheers View attachment 3502530 View attachment 3502531 View attachment 3502532 View attachment 3502533
That should recover. Give it some time. Add a cane and splint the whole plant properly
Wow she looks amazing, congrats! Mine cracked halfway through the flowering stage though... its gotten a lot worse, the leaves are nearly yellow and the colas are falling down. I'm thinking maybe i sluld just cut it off?


Well-Known Member
Wow she looks amazing, congrats! Mine cracked halfway through the flowering stage though... its gotten a lot worse, the leaves are nearly yellow and the colas are falling down. I'm thinking maybe i sluld just cut it off?
Sorry to hear that, but it did look real bad so not surprised. Yes, cut the lost portion off in the hope the energy diverted to what's left will beef up the flowers a bit for you in the time you have left.