Steam Dry:::the Best Quick Dry Method


wow some of the people on this website are ignorant. "microwaves" destroy thc... really? show me how you know this. you can't. yes temps above 100 degrade thc, but the temp has nothing to do with microwaves. Microwaves "basically melt THC?" shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your asses. and if you say something prove it.
stfu. i come here for real information not opinions stated as facts or idiots pretending to be know-it-alls.
Wow, no comment on the topic. Just on you, what a pompous ass, douche bag, jerkoff, whatever. Take a hike, leave, quit, delete your account, crawl back under the rock.
u sukky big tyme.:fire::fire::fire: flame on and flame out , asalamisandwich my brother.


comming from the pro of 'sampling buds' before harvest, i have found that the best way to quick dry the wet planty bud, is to steam dry it. get an ordinary microwaveable plastic container. put a dry piece of kitchen towel, maybe torn in half, on the bottom of the container, then chop a few buds to a smallish size so it dries out quicker, therfore keeping more un-evaporated thc in the spliff, and then place the buds on the paper towel. Next, wet two paper kitchen towels and dry them out so they are not dripping, but slightly wet. it helps if they are attached when wetting them! now poke a hole or two in the paper towels which you have placed over the buds, and put the lid about 3/4 the way on.
Put in the microwave and 'cook' for one minute.
take everything out and dry any moisture that will be in the container.
get the other, dry torn half of the paper towel and put the drier but still moist buds on it.
make sure the paper towels are still wet and do the same thing as many times as you need to until you are happy. steam dried bud actually tastes nice, smooth and gets you very stoned. you should try it.
Guys just tried this and I am high as a kite!!!!!! Honestly it's amazing! I think my harvest needs to wait a week more as this is major white trichome high!! And my head is buzzing!!


Active Member
Tried multiple quick dry methods. (Note - Obviously traditional drying/curing is preferred). As one would imagine, the potency is not comparable to traditional drying & curing, but if you need a small portion dried RIGHT NOW, this is by far the best method that I have come across. The taste was different. I wouldn't neccesary say it tasted 'bad', but I would say, without a doubt, it didn't taste 'good'. Quick drying definitely isn't going to be anyone's preferred method anytime soon, but if you've gotta do it, this is the way.


New Member
Wow, no comment on the topic. Just on you, what a pompous ass, douche bag, jerkoff, whatever. Take a hike, leave, quit, delete your account, crawl back under the rock.
u sukky big tyme.:fire::fire::fire: flame on and flame out , asalamisandwich my brother.
Hahahahahahahaha. what a dick! carry on chuckle head. people are allowed their opinion whether you like it or not. kinda makes it tricky when someone doesn't agree with what you're thinking/beliefs are huh? not that it matters but I agree with this guy/girl. didn't see any solid facts at all. why does it hurt your feelings so much just because someone has something to say.
don't you have better things to do? and to answer your question, no. I don't have anything better to do than to rebut your self absorbed statement.

my job is to judge you. that's what I'm Here for, and my judgement is " you suck". only joined this forum to pass judgement on you, so I'm sure it will be removed. I only hope that you get some kind of "all concerning" email alert that at least let's you know that you suck.

smoke yur weed and shut up. no one cares what you think. just like no one cares what I think.

love you all.


p.S. asalamisandwich??? really?? how'd you get so freakin cool?


yeah it works -- I've done this micro steam dry for years. obviously its not as good as properly dried and cured nug. and obviously no one here is choppin their girl down and micro steaming the entire batch lmao, but if youre dry and can't score any and are fiending, this is the best method to sample your shit.

if you can wait a couple days, cut a piece off and sit it in front of a fan 24/7 for a couple days and it's much better.

you get high, but steam dry does make it taste weird and I'd imagine negatively impacts the quality/potency a bit... but better than nothing! just don't go overboard and start doin this on the reg.. or yes, your 3 months of growin will b wasted lol.