Stealthy Armoire Grow(possible ScrOG)


So this is my first post. Third grow but new cabinet. I was thinking about trying out the ScrOG method but Im not sure how to go about this. Im growing White Rhino, Northern Light X Big Bud, and Automatic Blueberry and its going to be in some yummy special soil. Is it okay to ScrOg with multiple strains or is that to confusing. Or do you recommend not ScrOGing in this cabinet because of the size. I'll attach some pics of my cabinet. I bought the Armoire from Kmart for $80 or something. Lined it with Reflectix insulation and used two computer fans for intake/out take. this is my second homemade cabinet but this one is bigger and has a clone station underneath. So let me know what you think and give me some info on ScrOG.




So this is my first post. Third grow but new cabinet. I was thinking about trying out the ScrOG method but Im not sure how to go about this. Im growing White Rhino, Northern Light X Big Bud, and Automatic Blueberry and its going to be in some yummy special soil. Is it okay to ScrOg with multiple strains or is that to confusing. Or do you recommend not ScrOGing in this cabinet because of the size. I'll attach some pics of my cabinet. I bought the Armoire from Kmart for $80 or something. Lined it with Reflectix insulation and used two computer fans for intake/out take. this is my second homemade cabinet but this one is bigger and has a clone station underneath. So let me know what you think and give me some info on ScrOG.

I guess the consideration is in how big each of the species you mention actually grow. Mixing a short indica with a long sativa in the same scrog could be challenging (not impossible, jes challenging), cause the indica should fill in the screen a fair bit before flipping, whereas the salvia wants to flip fairly early and fill the screen during the flowering stretch.

Do you think the computer fans will be enough to cool this box?

Hope that helps a bit



I might have to add some more fans. i'll either add two more computer fans or stop by the grow shop and buy a good one. it all depends on how hot it gets. and thanks for the ScrOG info, i'll look into the plant growth.


And does anyone have a link for good step by step instructions on how to ScrOG the right way. Or just give me some pointers. Thanks


New Member
Do individual screens for each or ull hate urself when those autos are ready. Otherwise nice lookin setup for 80 bone. Scribed!


Well-Known Member
very clean and tidy set up you got there mate :)
loving it!
Hope it works well for you. What lamp you planning to use in there?
Might need a little more ventalation.
Looks like it could get pretty toasty in there with only 2 computer fans!


Well-Known Member
with regards to the SgrOG method.
I havent got a clue!
Sorry mate but im sure you will find the answer
somewhere on RIU :)
Good Luck
I will look in on your thread from time to time. See how your getting on :) + Rep


here's a really good article on scrog, just for your screen be sure you use 2" by 2 plastic garden netting, not metal poultry netting that stuffs a headache. Im planning on a scrog in a similar sized cab, seems like the way to go when vertical space is limited. just string the netting across a thin wood frame and attach pegs inside your cab at the right height from the soil (8-12 inches) so the screen can rest on the pegs. attach it so the screen can be easily removed come harvest time.


oya and as far as strains go, if your growing with feminized seeds or clones you could prolly get away with the randomness, it would just get an uneven canopy, light hogging branches etc. if you have unsexed seeds you'll want to clone em all, then flower them without a screen so you can weed out the males without a tangle of branches. save the clones of the best producing plants of that harvest for mothers, then you can just clone all one strain next time.


Well, I read up on ScrOG and I got some chicken wire and stapled it about 8" above my pots. I returned my 400w and now I have a 250w hps sun systems light and its been pretty good temp with two computer fans. All three of my seeds didnt make it past germination for some reason. I did it the same way I've always done it but I got my seeds from this time instead of from nirvana. I wanted to try them because you can order single seeds but maybe I just had bad luck and got some crappy ones. I ordered some more but I got different strains. This time I'm gonna try some Blue Moonshine, Super Silver Haze, and California Hashplant. The seeds will get here in a week hopefully!:leaf:


So I got my seeds in the mail today and I'm germinating the Super Silver Haze right now. I decided to just go with one big ScrOG right now instead of a couple different plants. I think thats best for my grow box size. I'll get back to you once the seed breaks the surface. Let me know if you have any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
how are you germinating your seeds?

also that insulation you got in there does its job thats for sure..... i had a cab a lil smaller than this with it in there and my temps shot up to 110* .... i removed the lining and it was 85*..... with the same exhaust and fans... just something to think about if the heat is a problem.

looks good tho nice setup and i think a 250w hps will be just fine for your cab... buddy of mine grows with a 150 in that size of a cab and gets nice nugs.


how are you germinating your seeds?

also that insulation you got in there does its job thats for sure..... i had a cab a lil smaller than this with it in there and my temps shot up to 110* .... i removed the lining and it was 85*..... with the same exhaust and fans... just something to think about if the heat is a problem.

looks good tho nice setup and i think a 250w hps will be just fine for your cab... buddy of mine grows with a 150 in that size of a cab and gets nice nugs.
I germinated them by soaking them in water for 10 hours and then I put them directly in soil. I used to do the paper towel method but I read that its not as good, so I'll try this way. If it fails I'll just go back to paper towel and grow some Hashplant or Blue Moonshine. As for heat, my last box was lined with Refletix as well and the temps always ran at 78, but that was not with an hps bulb. I tested out this box though and the temps were in the 80s. The box is located in my closet right next to my window and it get pretty cold here. So if the temps get high I'll just open the door right into my window. I'll just have to see what happens I guess...


tru. i use papertowel really wet in a tupperware in my dresser drawer in the dark... get about 95% to pop
yeah i've done it that way too any it almost always worked. I just wanted to try something new. Another way I would do it that worked every time was getting a wet paper towel then putting the seed in it and putting it in a plastic bottle and setting it in the sun. I know people say put it in a dark place but it always worked letting it get super humidified, for me at least.


Active Member
Really looking forward to watching this thing take-off!

I'm inspired and subscribed!



Active Member
I am subscribed. This resembles something I just helped a friend out with.

+rep for the clean setup.

Now let's see what you can do!