stealthiest auto flower help


I am going in for a super stealthy indoor grow. I know this question has been asked before. What would be the stealthiest strain u guys have ever grown. What I mean is the most low odor plant. I cant find any very low odors. Please help me. I have a carbon filter but I really dont wanna use it. I just want a very low odor. Please tell me some thatare possibly low odor.


Well-Known Member
Super Silver Haze. No smell at all and I am not the only one saying that for sure. Try a cross for autos. Somebody has one. Just make sure it's not crossed with a skunk. However good smell is a key target for breeders while absence of odor is not.
I have three strains growing and my lowest odour is cream caramel auto. You may need to use the filter regardless as any strain will reek during late flowering. You can also try odour neutraliser like ONA blocks. plug in air freshners, but I think filter is your best bet for 100% stealth and make sure you have a 'quality brand' filter.


New Member
Sounds like your going with nirvana? NL auto does smell but not outside the box. I'd say 2/10 on the smell scale. And I had 3 going, with an ionic generator in the room. Didn't smell a damn thing


Everyone said blueystic was low odor? Wow, what about auto blue mustic and anyone grow blueberry? How is its odor. And any low odors?


Yeah that's what I'm growing, "nirvanas blue mystic auto flower" it's really good if this is your first grow, very sturdy and easy to work with. An like I said go to Walmart, go to the pet isle and look for citrus magic, it's a disk that's about 6 inches wide. All you gotta do is open it up and put it in with your plant and VIOLA! No skunk smell. It makes your room smell like oranges and last for 2 weeks


I couldn't tell ya from experience, this is the only strain I have grown. It smells just as strong as a few of my friends photo periods though.