Stealth Speaker Grow


Well-Known Member
alright well i finally painted the inside white, NO MORE BLACK! yay!!! :)

check the pics

as for the Velcro and duct tape, i think ill just ride it out
at least until i figure out a good solution

i was originally thinking of having the box horizontal, but i wanted to have more than one plant, and at max i think that all i could have in there is one plant

im also thinking of turning the reservoir speaker into a grow box
and just scratching the whole reservoir idea

or even have both, just put a piece of wood over top of the bucket and grow one plant at a time

but thats for the future, im not too excited to get the second grow box up and running yet, i lack the money $$$$ :(


Well-Known Member
hah it's an awesome break, here's a video of it when its absolutely firing:

YouTube - Freak Swell At "M"

Ya ya ive seen that crazy swell before.

that was 3 min 18 seconds of pure pain devistation, and adrenilen, damn i wish i was there. Tahts the crazist most unpredictable shit ive ever seen! Where is this M beach? im pretty sure its cali but where exactly?

Have you ever heard of Wiamea Bay?


Well-Known Member
you guys were right about the VElcro, i woke up this morning and the 42W had fallen on plant 1, more damage was taken than in the first first time.
i attempted to re-enforce the lights with twine and 2 screws

im not really too worried about the plants, i have feminized white widow seeds coming in the mail anyday.
i just want my box to be finished a ready to safely grow some decent BUD

the damaged plant 1

plant 2... makeing a comeback

and the new cfl re-enforcement

i think that with this new re-enforcement , it makes it a tad bit more permanent than it was before. i doubt the velcro will come off now.


Well-Known Member
Ya, well, DID live there. But shit yea those were some of the best times of my life. Hows the break right now? Did he hit up Pipe?


420 TIME
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: balls deep.
Posts: 687

Originally Posted by MisterMicro
Ehh no, not yet. You need to actually screen it out before you scrog.

yerr, you vegg into the screen.

my friend just came back from waimea bay.
you are luuucky to live there man.

'we be 'illin, chillin' at Mike E's house, we be smokin' some ganja in praise of Eek A Mouse'


Well-Known Member

lights are now in a permanent position.

that Tupperware container that the plants are sitting on is my new plant medium.


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it but my plants look pathetic.....
but i am very happy with my box now :)
i just its just the price you have to pay for perfection
plus those white widow seeds should be here soon,
i bought them 20 seed for 20$ from
some people think that this site is a scam, but i think it's legit
although i haven't received my seeds yet so my option of them may change.

i will be starting a grow journal when the seeeds get here (hopefully)

peace :peace: n love :leaf:


Well-Known Member
not yet man, i expect sometime either this week or next week, because i sent cash

that particular site is from the UK
i sent $20 Canadian cash

im not sure how long to expect it to take .... i dont often send mail.


Well-Known Member
Late update. (obviously)

I let this thread die once everything was up and running, but here's some of my archived pics from 2010

That's a single plant, that's been topped and tied down to grow horizontally, I believe I allowed it to veg for longer than usual.

Near harvest

The box was also perfect for preparing for the outdoor season, allowing the seedlings to get stronger well before the last frost.

Obviously these seedlings were stretching for light, but I elevated them to suit thier needs.

Needless to say this was from 3 years ago and I'v since retired my box, reflecting on this thread it's really been a real treat to re-learn the whole process over and what I was thinking at the time. Thanks rollitup for helping me grow and strengthen my skills in growing and in life, this project really solidified my belief that I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it.

I just wanted to provide some closer for my previous readers, and hope this project will inspire some other 16 year old kid to use thier mind in a creative way, wither it be growing pot in some obscure fashion or hopefully something of more substance.

Best regards,
