Stealth PC grow case(w/ help of trunk5)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, lol I meant no offense at all.

That's just my input take it or leave it. I just meant that as what I would personally do because 100w is a fair amount of electricity.
I'm always all about efficiency. :peace:

If it's good weed it's good weed that's always a plus =) bongsmilie


Active Member
Hey man, lol I meant no offense at all.

That's just my input take it or leave it. I just meant that as what I would personally do because 100w is a fair amount of electricity.
I'm always all about efficiency. :peace:

If it's good weed it's good weed that's always a plus =) bongsmilie
yea sorry man its cool i just get pissed cuz no1 ever believes me when i say how much i yield


What a great grow. I'm a week into my second PC grow. The first one had some ups and downs, but I ended up with moderate haul of some pretty decent smoke. I have better seeds and I learned a lot, so I'm pretty psyched for this go at it.

I'm amazed at your weight from that last grow.


I would be impressed if I got half that.

Good work.:peace:


Active Member
herees a lil something i noticed that might help u out

1. buy a pc and gut it, dont find an old comp u got laying around unless its huge then go ahead.
2. go with dwc, ull get alot more root space if u use a tub like mine or something along those lines.
3. have good ventilation (this kid i new grew in a speaker cab like twice the size of my pc, i dont think he had any fans... mayb like 1 pc fan for exhaust and got like 30 grams if that.)
4. keep it to one plant


how is this ghetto? this is by far the BEST PC ive EVER SEEN ON THIS SITE. there r 4 fans and it has plentyy of ventilation, and im FUCKING SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING HOW MUCH I YIELD! i swear to god im making a fucking video of me weighing out my plants, stop talking shit
Yo spoon your gonna have haters regardless of what you do homie. Keep up the good work. For all you haters! HERES MY CASE!


Active Member
i think iamma end up havein 2 move mine into my grow room bt iamma try 2 keep it a tru pc grow but my box is way smaller then urs but hey i got everything free so fk it hey do u fell ur res all da way to the top or do u just let it cover ur air stone so the bubbles pop n reach the roots nt sure never done dwc so iam nt sure


Active Member
Yo spoon your gonna have haters regardless of what you do homie. Keep up the good work. For all you haters! HERES MY CASE!
yea i no man but i would think that they stop after seeeing some successful grows.

and no i dont fill up my res all the way, i fill up a gal of water and but about 3/4 of it in. theres like in inch and a half gap between the water and top of the tub

o and i started a new thread for the afghan


Active Member
how is this ghetto? this is by far the BEST PC ive EVER SEEN ON THIS SITE. there r 4 fans and it has plentyy of ventilation, and im FUCKING SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING HOW MUCH I YIELD! i swear to god im making a fucking video of me weighing out my plants, stop talking shit
This is probably the highest yield I've seen on a PC grow (I think). Check out my grow. The outside of the case looks identical--same front cover--but mine is 24" x 7.5 x 16. I've got a 35w HPS, a 50w LED panel, a 13w LED panel, and a 42w CFL all while keeping my temps under 86F (with CO2 yeast supplementation). It's a SCROG seup growing White Dwarf and Amnesia Lemon. Thought you might like to see it. I would be honored to have a yield on the order of yours. Link's in my sig.


Active Member
This is one of the most interesting journals I have read. I just learned so much my brain hurts a little. Now to read some more on DWC. I will be following your threads from now on! I am going to read through your other thread but a more extensive how to on putting this box together would be the bees knees, particularly one in the language of an idiot that doesnt understand wiring at all.
Sorry to grave dig here! But how did you stop the plants from touching the lights? Going to run into the same issue! Also did you run a carbon filter? Very scared mine will stink... huge give away