Stealth outdoor grow


Active Member
For those of us who live in a multi-family residence... I am going to try and throw a tub in my backyard. I need for it to be stealthy, therefore, I am going to LST the grow and use a plexiglass covering for the tub..

The holes will be for air..
The plexiglass will allow light through..
The tub is for stealth..
The LST is for yield + stealth..

Should I abbandon this 'probably dumb' idea and go for a guerrilla grow as I have done in the past? or should I try a tree grow?


Well-Known Member
build a good size square dog house with the chain water bowl and all and a door with a plexiglass roof and say your dog died

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
good thinking but you say your just gunna throw the tub in the backyard...Deosnt seem to smart. SOmebody gunna be like Hmmm I wonder whats in the Huge rubbermaid tub sitting out in the backyard and you will be done for. Find a spot in the woods and make a plot.


Active Member
I have grown in the woods in the past, but produced bad weed since I was not able to take good care of the plants.

Does an LST'd plant look a lot like marijuana? smell is no object.


Active Member
you think if instead of using the soil in the woods, that if I used top soil from a nursery it would be much better?

I used some cheap ferts from a local store also, so I wasn't completely neglecting...

I wish we soon live in a society where a rubbermaid box with plexiglass on top of it does not look suspicious :(


Well-Known Member
plexiglass will prevent a broad spectrum of light from being as intense. why plexiglass anyhow?

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
you think if instead of using the soil in the woods, that if I used top soil from a nursery it would be much better?

I used some cheap ferts from a local store also, so I wasn't completely neglecting...

I wish we soon live in a society where a rubbermaid box with plexiglass on top of it does not look suspicious :(
What is LST'd??? Good idea, the plexi would help from animals getting at the plants and stuff but you cant keep a plant in a rubbermaid it hole life anyways. After awhile your going to have to transplant it into something bigger. organic topsoil is good, But soil from the woods can be just as good also, It all depends on what the quality of it is. I would recomend new fresh soil and not some thats already been layed down. There are many other things you can mix any soil w/ like you suggested. Cow Poop, Bat Poop.

Find a spot in the woods that is close to a body of water or near some moise swampy gounds. Growing right outside your back door is to risky.


Active Member
dude get you some 5 gallon buckets dig a hole put the buckets in them clear the ground around so bugs and debris doesnt build up get some good soil and let nature work check every week if possible and not obvious evry two is ok to. just my thought. good luck...


Active Member
if you really cant check your plants very often you can also mix in some perlite into you soil as it will hold much more moisture, which will help out during dry weeks. It is best to use some kind of organic soil, I like Fox Farm Ocean brand. This soil will also have a lot of nutrients for the plants to feed off of all season. If you spend a little time and effort with these plants they will reward you greatly. Almost all strains can hit a pound a plant or more.


Active Member
ok, my friends growing in the forest definately now.

he is thinking about getting a rain can, to keep rain (55 gallon) and that + perlite and vermiculite can help hold moisture! hopefully...

so, how long can you go without watering plants, my friend was planning on checking every 3 days, and split the work 2 ways so only going once every 6 days

but, if i am overestimating (or underestimating) the watering time, please reply.


Well-Known Member
what if you put the rubber made in the ground and dug a big enough hole.... or what ever else.... and put something on top so atleast it wouldnt be sticking out above ground.... maybe a kiddie pool with a square kinda shape cut out of the bottom. not sure if itd be good but its a though... just think outside the box youll figure out something