Stealth like a ninja.


Well-Known Member
Will post pics later but my little retard sprout is definatly forming a second set of leaves the first set of spaded leaves are really small though lol. Socko is good as usual.


Well-Known Member
I got a new pic of socko and a pic after I made my first top cut. I hated to do it but if it works like its supposed to then well worth it. I hope she survives.


Well-Known Member
No the box came with a carboy from my homebrew kit it is 2 cubic foot volume. The fans are hooked up to a fan controller now and the box has two intakes and one exhaust.


Well-Known Member
Heres pics. Do not be alarmed I meant to do this.

Before and after first step to bonsai.

But not the tard

BTW Heres Socko now.

If you look closely you see what I believe to be what will SOON be twin stalks.

Any Opinions? Inputs good I am sure it will survive But if anyone has used this method before plaese pipe in and let me know how I did.


Well-Known Member
This is my first and it isnt the easiest thing. Very tedious careful cutting. There is another step which I will reveal should I get it there

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
I will be waiting,

Why do you get your tops off? I do it because two grows back and they say that two heads are always better then one. The plant also gets more ligth as it will have more leaves.

This isn't your first grow is it? I don't think it is but just thought I would ask.


Well-Known Member
This IS my first grow. I study a lot. Two stalks DO seem to be forming this morning. The section I snipped is bright green and the stems around it are a light purple I noticed that there were two identical dark green spots on the sides of where I cut and the top of the incision has what looks like two joined triangles with a dark green core in each. I will post pictures as the day goes on.


Well-Known Member
wow, you topped really really really early man. you are supposed to wait awhile before you do that. i mean it may still work, but i think it is more effective when you top it later.
but, the way you did it, it might just grow back faster; compared to if you topped it later...we will see


Well-Known Member
Shes really being a good sport about it. Leaves held high soakin up the rays. Producing a healthy green scent from the tips of its leaves.


Well-Known Member
Definatly getting interesting. I will keep you all posted.

hmmmm at least her stalk is super strong.


Well-Known Member
Here we go day 13 Socko's sprout leaves look to be browning possibly getting ready to shed them. Topping experiment seems to go swimmingly but the more it develops the more it looks like 4 stalks instead of two. Perhaps I cut two nodes in just the right way I havnt seen this before. Heres a pic to explain what I mean by this.

Any input would be great.

Heres the little retard. I think its gonna be a bushy one. The newest set of leaves dont seem to be deformed like the previous ones. heres day 12.



Well-Known Member
Yeah thats waterproof wrapping paper (mylar) you can pick it up at your local dollar store. The silver shiney side is the back so you cant see it in the store. You should open the top of the roll and look under a corner before you buy. (30ft cost me 2 bucks)


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats waterproof wrapping paper (mylar) you can pick it up at your local dollar store. The silver shiney side is the back so you cant see it in the store. You should open the top of the roll and look under a corner before you buy. (30ft cost me 2 bucks)
Hey, now that is a good tip, dollar-store, be warned, i'm heading for you tomorrow:D thx for that one godkas:)


Well-Known Member
Cool Godkas... All the searching I have done for mylar. ;)

I ended up buying RBI insulation at Home Depot which works great and it really what I needed, but it was $25 a roll, not $2.
