Stealth like a ninja.


Well-Known Member
I still dont see why I should need so much light for a plant i plan on keeping around a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
you arent going to get much bud if you dont., if its going to be a short bush, the branches all have to be spaced out, so they can all get light and produce bud. and when its spaced, you need more light ; in more places
you will prob. want to tie down some branches, so they space out.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thought... I hope to not encounter that issue my bonzai guide has me cutting all but the middle spade of every leaf it ends up looking something like a mint plant in veg.

OH and I'm not looking for too terribly much bud I have severe back pain from a car accident I was in two years ago. Even a couple grams from each plant would make me happy on those hard mornings.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that too. Its actually just a 42w CFL (1 of them). All 5 of my pre-germinated seedsare officially in sprout. (The last one took a little time to root but upon soil sifting I found the top of its sprout and it looks healthy. (So far this method has done wonders for ensuring I see any problems or obstructions in the sprouts way and if you are careful the sprout doesnt even care.)


Well-Known Member
Ohio, I must disagree..... Let is stay as it is until it is time. Close quarters and a lot of light is a good thing. Godkas, be ready to get your air flow under control. You will need more light and that little fan will not do. In your closed box you can do a push/pull which will produce a lot of cooling and little noise.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input on the fans. I have more I can hook up as well as a fan controller lol (parts from my computer) but my computer only needs the jettison fan in back to stay cool :)

When the time comes I think I will be running 2 or 3 (possibly 4) fans

Heres Socko now.


ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
If I was growing it would depend on what kind of light setup I had. If I was useing cfl then one blowing air out, one pulling air in, and one inside to get the air moving around. If I was useing hps or mh then I would have more.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I love it. I used to build computer cases so I know how to utilize my airflow best but when its stinky im gonna have to use dryer sheets on the exhaust ports.


Well-Known Member
An excellent first night of the 16 on 8 off light cycle. The last sprout completly opened over night and even socko showed a sudden burst of speed. I may get to start my bonsai on socko very soon. It appears that the first set of premature leaves is just now starting to poke out from inbetween the first spaded ones.

In my process the first thing I will be doing is cutting the premature leaves at the top of a node forcing the plant to sprout two stalks in its place effectively halfing the size of the plant from the beginning. I will post a pic when my camera finishes charging.


Well-Known Member
Actually if theres a mod around id really like to move this to journals because It's got good coverage of my first week growing.


Well-Known Member
Heres socko on day 7. My other sprout is just starting to get its first leaves (Its a little special i think) dee-de-de know what I mean?
